Taking Back Our Stolen History
Media / Entertainment

Media / Entertainment

Over the past 50 years the ownership of the media has become increasingly concentrated until today we have a few corporations along with the government owning all of the media outlets. Through editorial control they have created a socially engineered construct or a psychological prison representing a complete fabricated version of reality in which most people live out their lives never knowing the reality of the world around them. To maintain this illusion the media exercise relentless and continued censorship of all news and events of importance. The media has become pure propaganda using lies of obfuscation, distortion, distraction and primarily omission. The media lie and distort everything they report, knowingly and unknowingly (let’s remember most of them were brainwashed along with the rest of us), to create a false version of reality to the public in order to keep them compliant and controlled.

Today, nearly all of the news, information and entertainment that Americans consume is produced by a small cluster of giant corporations.  The following summary of the current state of affairs comes from Wikipedia

The Bogotáza PSYOP: New CIA Recruit Fidel Castro Helps Carry out Assassinations and Psyop in Colombia

The Bogotáza PSYOP: New CIA Recruit Fidel Castro Helps Carry out Assassinations and Psyop in Colombia

In Bogota, Colombia, 22-year-old Havana University law-school student and new CIA recruit, Fidel Castro, actively helped carry out an assassination and a successful large-scale psychological warfare operation (PSYOP) by organizing riots, looting, murder, burning, and the takeover by communists of radio stations and government buildings following the Colombian leading Presidential candidate Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, leaving the capital city destroyed. In the Psyop, they tested new covert ...
‘Place the Material in the Wells’: Docs Point to Israeli Army’s 1948 Biological Warfare

‘Place the Material in the Wells’: Docs Point to Israeli Army’s 1948 Biological Warfare

On April 1, 1948, 600 years after the jews were accused of poisoning the wells of Christians throughout Europe in 1348 that caused 50 to 75 million deaths in the Black Death pandemic, David Ben-Gurion wrote in his journal about “the development of science and speeding up its application in warfare.” A month and a half later, he wrote about “biological materials” that were purchased for ...
Alfred Kinsey Publishes ‘Sexual Behavior in the Human Male’

Alfred Kinsey Publishes ‘Sexual Behavior in the Human Male’

Kinsey's two books -- "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male," published in 1948, and "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female," which followed in 1952 -- started what we now call the sexual revolution. This revolution is a lot more than just a change in attitude. It's a business -- a multi-billion dollar business. In 2010, a 70-year-old woman going by the pseudonym "Ether White" claimed that ...
Operation Mockingbird: The CIA Operation to Control the Media and Have them Circulate Propaganda

Operation Mockingbird: The CIA Operation to Control the Media and Have them Circulate Propaganda

In 1948 Frank Wisner was appointed director of the Office of Special Projects. Soon afterwards it was renamed the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). This became the espionage and counter-intelligence branch of the Central Intelligence Agency. Wisner was told to create an organization that concentrated on "propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to ...
House Un-American Activities Committee Began Investigating Hollywood's Communist Propaganda and Influence in Film and TV

House Un-American Activities Committee Began Investigating Hollywood’s Communist Propaganda and Influence in Film and TV

For starters, it’s crucial to keep in mind that communism was responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people in the last century, double the combined tolls of World War I and II. It’s also vital to know that most American communists (small “c”) did not actually join the Party. Only the hardcore went that far. Those who joined the Party took a major leap ...
Charles Beard, former Pres. of the Amer. Historical Assoc.: "The Rockefeller Foundation and CFR... Do Not want Journalists... to Examine... Propaganda... During WWII."

Charles Beard, former Pres. of the Amer. Historical Assoc.: “The Rockefeller Foundation and CFR… Do Not want Journalists… to Examine… Propaganda… During WWII.”

The Rockefeller Foundation and Council on Foreign Relations . . . intend to prevent, if they can, a repetition of what they call “the debunking journalistic campaign following World War I.” Translated into precise English, this means that the Foundation and the Council do not want journalists or any other persons to examine too closely and criticize too freely the official propaganda and statements relative to ...
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is Formed

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is Formed

The CIA is accountable to the president through the NSC (also formed at the same time) — there is no democratic or congressional oversight. Its charter allows the CIA to "perform such other functions and duties… as the National Security Council may from time to time direct." This loophole opens the door to covert action and dirty tricks. In its first year of existence, CIA agency ...
The Roswell UFO Incident: What Really Happened at Roswell?

The Roswell UFO Incident: What Really Happened at Roswell?

However, in the event of my death or disappearance, this article is hereby released to the Public Domain. This same information that I’m presenting will also lend itself to your understanding of why I certainly do not believe that the Roswell Incident was a simply a weather balloon, as the Army Air Force stated in July 1947, NOR do I believe that the Air Force’s 1997 ...
Alfred Kinsey Establishes the Nonprofit 'Kinsey Institute' Where Kinsey Conducted and Analyzed Illegal and Disturbing Pedophile Research Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation

Alfred Kinsey Establishes the Nonprofit ‘Kinsey Institute’ Where Kinsey Conducted and Analyzed Illegal and Disturbing Pedophile Research Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation

The origins of the Kinsey Institute lie in the scientific research of Indiana University professor and entomologist turned sexuality researcher, Alfred Kinsey. The 1947 creation of the nonprofit institute, originally named the Institute for Sex Research (ISR), was supported by both Indiana University president Herman B Wells and the Rockefeller Foundation, a major financial backer of Kinsey’s research. The ISR was established to protect and preserve ...
'It's a Wonderful Life' Movie Released - Now Suppressed

‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Movie Released – Now Suppressed

Although the holiday season is behind us, I believe there are some remarks long overdue concerning the suppression of It’s a Wonderful Life, arguably America’s most beloved Christmas film of all time. I first became aware of the movie nearly half a century ago when I was around 20. A local station happened to air it, in no connection with Christmas. It’s a Wonderful Life was, ...