The British Military Intelligence or MI used to be composed of numbered agencies that ran up to 19. During the post-World War II era, most of these agencies were consolidated into the MI5 and MI6. MI5 stands for Military Intelligence, Section 5, and is the United Kingdom’s Security Service. It deals with gathering information and conducting operations domestically to protect the United Kingdom and its people against foreign threats or international terrorist activities. MI6 or Military Intelligence, Section 6, is otherwise known as the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS). This agency focuses on foreign or external threats. The MI6 is often described as the UK’s equivalent to the CIA, whereas, MI5 is often compared to the National Security Agency of the US. The MI5 is answerable to the Home Secretary, and the MI6 is to the Foreign Sectary. Just as the FBI and the CIA in the USA, the powers that be use the corrupt elements within MI5 and MI6 to carry out coups, false flags, etc. to further their agenda.

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