The British Military Intelligence or MI used to be composed of numbered agencies that ran up to 19. During the post-World War II era, most of these agencies were consolidated into the MI5 and MI6. MI5 stands for Military Intelligence, Section 5, and is the United Kingdom’s Security Service. It deals with gathering information and conducting operations domestically to protect the United Kingdom and its people against foreign threats or international terrorist activities. MI6 or Military Intelligence, Section 6, is otherwise known as the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS). This agency focuses on foreign or external threats. The MI6 is often described as the UK’s equivalent to the CIA, whereas, MI5 is often compared to the National Security Agency of the US. The MI5 is answerable to the Home Secretary, and the MI6 is to the Foreign Sectary. Just as the FBI and the CIA in the USA, the powers that be use the corrupt elements within MI5 and MI6 to carry out coups, false flags, etc. to further their agenda.
MI5 / MI6
The story of “No Time to Die” revolves around a DNA-targeting virus that’s oddly similar to monkeypox. Considering the fact that the movie was completed around 2019, the coincidence is rather unsettling. Is the movie another case of predictive programming? Also, what is wrong with James Bond? Warning: Monumental spoilers ahead! No Time to Die was one of the first movies to be released in theaters after ...
A recently leaked database has revealed that 1.95 million registered members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have been employed at universities, major corporations, and British consulates around the world. Some members have been employees of U.S. aerospace manufacturer Boeing and pharmaceutical maker Pfizer. The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), a global coalition of lawmakers, obtained the database from an unidentified Chinese dissident, then shared the material with four media organizations, according ...
(by Mint Press News) With election fever still gripping the U.S., talk of rigging or interference in the democratic process is reaching new levels, high enough that even Hollywood legend Angelina Jolie is talking about it. In an extraordinary interview in Time magazine, the star of “Wanted, Maleficent, and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider,” sat down with the former head of the UK’s MI6 spy network, Sir Alex Younger, to ask ...
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s long-awaited Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act report was publicly released on Monday 12/9/2019, concluding the FBI did mislead the FISA court to obtain warrants to spy on Trump campaign officials. The IG’s report of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into “Russian collusion” lays out incontrovertible evidence that the Bureau misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court through false information and omissions to surveil Trump campaign ...
A former British army officer and military contractor who founded the shadowy 'White Helmets' has been found dead near his home in Istanbul, days after he was accused by Russia of being a spy with "connections to terrorist groups." The body of 43-year-old James Le Mesurier was found Monday in the Beyoglu district of the city, with state-run Anadolu news agency reporting that he may have fallen to ...
A report by John Solomon at The Hill revealed that prior to President Trump’s Inauguration in January 2017 Britain’s top security official sent the Trump Transition team a memo that the British government lacked confidence in Christopher Steele’s junk dossier. According to Rep. Mark Meadows there is now overwhelming evidence to suggest the FBI was warned on several occasions that the the Steele dossier was not ...
“After three years of lies and smears and slander, the Russia hoax is finally dead. The collusion delusion is over.” With these words, President Donald Trump opened a raucous rally in front of more than 15,000 enthusiastic supporters in Grand Rapids, Michigan on March 28, celebrating the release of the report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller on March 22. According to the summary submitted to Congress ...
The opposition research firm that hired a former British spy to dig up dirt on Donald Trump last year is refusing to answer questions recently posed to it by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The firm, Fusion GPS, is protected by attorney-client privilege and the First Amendment, its attorneys said in a letter to the committee. The chairman of the Senate panel, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, sent ...
I will begin by saying, we are living in a time where the dangers of Military technology is now beyond our control. We live as guinea pigs in a world where those with the power, knowledge and technology keep us from our true freedom. To live with free will in this beautiful world. They manipulate us, direct us and destroy everything that was truly divine and ...
Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson revealed in a new book titled, “Crime in Progress” which was released in November 2019, that he was first hired to investigate Donald Trump “in the fall of 2015". The deep state began their counter-imtelligence into the Trump campaign at least as early as December 2015 according to Strzok-Page texts. ”Why? Because, as Newt Gingrich put it: "He didn't belong to ...