The remains of thousands of unborn children were discovered at the Will County, Illinois, home of deceased abortion doctor Ulrich Klopfer.
Klopfer passed away on September 3, and the family later found 2,246 medically preserved children while going through the abortionist’s property. When the discovery was made, the Klopfers’ family attorney informed the Will County Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff’s detectives, crime scene investigators, and representatives from the coroner’s office arrived to take possession of the remains. Authorities say there is no evidence abortions were performed at Klopfer’s home.
Preserving his victims and storing them at his place of residence does, however, raise the question as to whether Klopfer viewed them as trophies or perhaps momentos of his lethal work.
Klopfer has run abortion facilities in Fort Wayne, Gary, and South Bend. In 2015, he had his South Bend abortion facility license revoked for failing to report an abortion on a 13-year-old girl.
In 2016, Klopfer had his medical license suspended after being found guilty of five out of nine charges brought against him by the Indiana Medical Licensing Board.
The Board took action in response to 1,833 abortion violations listed in an administrative licensing complaint filed by then-Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller.
According to the filing, Klopfer:
- Submitted nearly 2,000 termination of pregnancy reports with missing or incorrect information.
- Failed to submit termination of pregnancy reports (as required by law) within three days for abortions on 13-year-old girls.
- On six occasions, failed to ensure informed and voluntary consent was provided by properly credentialed staff.
- For seven patients, failed to obtain informed and voluntary consent at least 18 hours prior to the abortion procedure.
Representative Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) reacted to the news: “Every human life is precious, and every woman and baby deserves care and respect. This tragic case shows why abortion providers must be held to strict guidelines and face rigorous oversight.”
Walorski said she “will be looking into federal legislation to ensure the remains of aborted babies are always treated with dignity, including in the case of chemical abortions.”
Will County authorities are investigating the matter and the Kopfler family is reportedly in full cooperation.
Source: The New American