Top French Scientist Admits Photo He Tweeted of ‘Space Telescope Image’ of Nearest Star to the Sun Was Just a Slice of Chorizo
Don’t ever question the scientists because the science is settled. Top French scientist Etienne Klein tweeted a photo of a slice of chorizo and told his nearly 100,000 Twitter followers that it was a ‘space telescope image’ of the nearest star to the sun. Tens of thousands of people believed him without questioning anything. The tweet has received tens of thousands of ‘likes’ and ‘retweets.’ “Picture ...

NASA Insider Confesses Before Death: My Father Filmed Fake Moon Landing In 1968
Lies, lies and more lies from the money pit propaganda outlet known as the NATIONAL AERONAUTICS & SPACE ADMINISTRATION continue to haunt the unsuspecting public. A video has been released from a man who died on February 13, 2022 by the name of Gene Gilmore, given name Eugene Reuben Acres, who claims that his father was involved in filming the moon landing in 1968 and said ...

Fake Fact-Checkers label Washington Times Article on Importance of CO2 as False and Misleading
On Earth Day this year, The Washington Times published Gregory Wrightstone's op-ed “There is no climate emergency — We love CO2 and so should you.” Shortly after publication, the paper’s Facebook post on the commentary was labeled “false and misleading” and its ad for it was rejected. Facebook’s actions were based on a lengthy “fact-check” by eight scientists titled “Washington Times presents list of false and ...

NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover Landing
NASA, the biggest black budget black hole in existence, sucking in 52 million dollars of American tax-payer money every single day, spent 2.3 billion of American taxpayer dollars to allegedly land a remote control car on Mars for the fifth time. Yes, the multi-billion dollar charade of landing on Mars has been happening since 1976, and thanks to the gullible unquestioning masses enthralled and duped by ...

Icelandic Met Office Report: Volcano Melted Iceland’s ‘Funeral Glacier’ Not Climate Change
Newly released information from the Icelandic Met Office states that yet another of Iceland’s sub-glacial volcanoes, Grimsvotn, has quickly increased the magnitude of its geothermal heat flow. This new volcanic activity substantiates that the Okjokull “Funeral” Glacier should not have been laid to rest due to climate change. This is acting to melt the thick layer of overlying glacial ice (see here and see here). This increased heat ...

President Trump Signs Defense Bill Creating Space Force
JOINT BASE ANDREWS, MARYLAND — Flanked by two F-35 fighter jets and in front of a giant American flag, President Trump on Friday signed the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act that officially created the Space Force, the sixth and first new military branch since 1947. “For the first time since Truman, we will create a brand new American military service,” Trump said. “You will witness the ...

Samsung Space Satellite Falls from Sky, Lands in Michigan
A pseudo Samsung space satellite fell from the sky Saturday morning in Gratiot County, just 45 minutes west of Saginaw, according to the Morning Sun. Nancy Welke heard the crash around 8:45 a.m., just before she and her husband, Dan, were going to let their horses out, the Gratiot County Herald reported. The satellite fell near Barry Road between Polk and St. Charles. Gratiot Central Dispatch warned drivers to ...

Amazon Fires – A Big, Fat Nothingburger of a #FakeNews Scare Story
All this week, the mainstream media have been trying to scare you with heartrending tales of burning Amazonia — a conflagration the like of which we have never seen before. Supposedly… A Washington Post story headlined ‘Bolsonaro, Trump, and the nationalists ignoring climate disaster’ quotes Vitor Gomes, an environmental scientist at the Federal University of Para: “I cannot remember any other big fire episode like this ...

President Trump 2019 State of the Union Speech
Madam Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States, and my fellow Americans: We meet tonight at a moment of unlimited potential. As we begin a new Congress, I stand here ready to work with you to achieve historic breakthroughs for all Americans. Millions of our fellow citizens are watching us now, gathered in this great chamber, hoping that we ...

Fake News: NASA and NOAA Declare the Past Five Years have been the Warmest on Record
The idea that climate change is producing heat records across the Earth is among the most egregious manipulations of data in the absurd global warming debate. Americans receive a daily barrage from the fake news media and climate “experts” reporting that each and every day, week, month or year is the hottest on record due to global warming. On Feb. 7, several major newspapers carried stories ...