Any organization outside the government (such as the public service, legal system and the defense forces) and business. They are the choice tool of subversion, destabilization and domination for the US-led New World Order. It is impossible to calculate the number of NGOs. They keep springing up in response to some need. As the 2016 Soros hack has shown, the US (in particular) has embarked on a cunning strategy of infiltration in its foreign policy. On the surface, NGOs appear as benign, helpful and, at the very worst, harmless creatures which do work that promotes the betterment of humanity. Many of them do perform philanthropic work, however others are created and controlled right from the start to be nothing more than Trojan horse instruments of infiltration and influence – influence which is highly unwanted in the target nation. These latter kind of NGOs are a manifestation of US-NWO soft power by which the US can manipulate and dominate a country without having to fire a single bullet. This subterfuge was working very well for awhile, but now in the aftermath of the 2014 Ukraine coup and other events, nations are beginning to wake up to the trickery and are passing laws restricting or forbidding NGOs on their turf.
The CIA carried out coup d’tat’s in Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954 and Chile in 1973; however, as one of the foremost experts on such covert ops, F. William Engdahl, explains, in the 1980’s, NGOs largely took over for the CIA in carrying out these operations. As Enghdahl relates:
During the Reagan Presidency very damaging scandals were becoming public about CIA dirty operations around the world. Chile, Iran, Guatemala, the top secret MK-Ultra project, the student movement during the Vietnam War to name just a few. To take the spotlight away from them, CIA Director Bill Casey proposed to Reagan creating a “private” NGO, a kind of cut-out that would pose as private, but in reality, as one of its founders the late Allen Weinstein said in a later interview to the Washington Post, “doing what the CIA did, but privately.” This was the creation of the NGO named National Endowment for Democracy [NED] in 1983. . . .
Hiding very black dirty anti-democratic CIA operations behind private political NGOs waving the banner of “Human Rights” has been very effective for Washington’s global agenda of toppling un-cooperative regimes around the world. In effect the CIA has weaponized human rights.
It was the NED which was critical in supporting and helping to organize the coup in Venezuela against Hugo Chavez in 2002, a coup which thankfully was short-lived. It is important to remember that the precipitating event of this coup was the shooting of protesters by snipers who were originally accused of being Chavistas, but who later turned out to be right-wing provocateurs. This is well-documented in the film, The Revolution Will Not be Televised.
Meanwhile, on July 19, 1979, shortly after the Shah was ousted in Iran, tiny Nicaragua had its own revolution, led by the Sandinistas, which toppled a brutal US-backed dictator, Anastasio Somoza.
As we know, the US, through the CIA, quickly moved against the Nicaraguan revolution, arming Somoza’s former National Guardsmen, organizing them into the Contras, and overseeing a brutal terrorist war against Nicaragua which destroyed the infrastructure and economy of Nicaragua, and which claimed the lives of 50,000 Nicaraguans. This trend has continued with the CIA using NGO’s as fronts to cloak their havoc throughout the world.
The fact that numerous nations such as Israel, China, India, Russia and others have passed laws against foreign NGOs gives you some idea of how powerful NGOs have become. In July 2016, Israel passed a law requiring foreign NGOs to declare the source of their funding. The introduction of the law read: “The law wishes to deal with the phenomenon of NGOs which represent foreign interests of foreign states, while acting under the cover of local organizations seeking to serve the interests of the Israeli public” and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the law’s goal was “to prevent an absurd situation in which foreign states meddle in Israel’s internal affairs by funding NGOs, without the Israeli public being aware of it.” In April 2016, China passed a law requiring foreign NGOs to register with, and be approved by, their Government. In March 2015, India banned 69 NGOs from receiving foreign contributions. Earlier in December 2012, Russia passed a law that was specifically targeted against US NGOs operating inside Russia. Some of the provisions from the law are:
Activities of NGOs participating in political activities or implementing other activities constituting a threat to the interests of Russia and receiving funds from US citizens or organizations shall be suspended and their assets seized (The Ministry of Justice may issue a decision to restart activities of an NGO whose activity was previously suspended after the NGO stops receiving funding from US citizens or organizations).
Citizens with dual US-Russian dual citizenship are prohibited from membership or participation in the management of Russian NGOs or registered offices of foreign NGOs that participate in political activities in Russia.
In case of the seizure of assets of an NGO, the NGO also loses its rights to found mass media outlets and is prohibited from conducting mass and public events and from using bank accounts, with a few exceptions outlined in Federal Law on NCOs.
So why are so many countries all of a sudden getting so scared of NGOs? The answer lies in the power of NGOs to influence public thought and stealthily disseminate propaganda that can cause people to lose faith in their politicians, overthrow governments and induce a nation to make poor decisions that benefit the funder of the NGOs, usually the US.
Take a look at George Soros’ colossal network of NGOs, which include the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) and NDI (National Democratic Institute). As Eric Draitser notes in his article China’s NGO Law: Countering Western Soft Power and Subversion:
“Human Rights Watch, and the NGO complex at large, has condemned China’s Overseas NGO Management Law because they quite rightly believe that it will severely hamper their efforts to act independently of Beijing. However … the reality is that they act as a de facto arm of western intelligence agencies and governments, and they have played a central role in the destabilization of China in recent years.”
“The oft touted leader of Occupy Central was a pro-Western academic named Benny Tai, a law professor at the University of Hong Kong. Though he presented himself as the leader of a grassroots mass movement, Mr. Tai has for years been partnered with the NDI, a nominal NGO which is actually directly funded by the US State Department via the NED … Tai [and other Chinese] each act as the public face of a US Government-sponsored initiative to destabilize the political situation in Hong Kong, one of China’s most economically and politically important regions. Through the intermediary of the NGO, Washington is able to promote an anti-Beijing line under the auspices of “democracy promotion,” just as it has done everywhere from Ukraine to Venezuela.”
The horrible Ukrainian coup of 2014 could not have been pulled off without the help of Soros and his NGOs. Vicky Nuland told us that the US pumped $5 billion into regime change there. William Jasper notes:
The NGOs of arch manipulator George Soros played a big part in the 2014 Ukrainian coup. Above: the Maidan in Ukraine, before and after.
“Many of the participants in Kiev’s “EuroMaidan” demonstrations were members of Soros-funded NGOs and/or were trained by the same NGOs in the many workshops and conferences sponsored by Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), and his various Open Society institutes and foundations. The IRF, founded and funded by Soros, boasts that it has given “more than any other donor organization” to “democratic transformation” of Ukraine.”
Earlier in May 2016, Vanessa Beeley reported that the so-called White Helmets NGO was actually a “US and UK government-funded “first responder” organization in Syria … shown to have deep ties to al-Nusra Front as well as links to ISIS, and it operates exclusively within terrorist-held areas in Syria, including participation in executions.” Did you catch that? Participations in executions? Links to the US-Uk-Israeli controlled pet Frankenstein ISIS? I suppose this NGO matches the “humanitarian” bombings carried out by NATO against innocent civilians in Libya and other Middle Eastern countries …
NGOs are running amok. We don’t just have NGOs; we have an actual NGO complex which is controlled by the New World Order and is part of their psychological operations and perception management department. It ensures that American democracy and humanitarian interventions (both doublespeak oxymorons) are coated with sugar to go down well. Often, they hide behind the excuse of furthering human rights as a way to justify their subversive operations. Patrick Henningsen wrote an excellent article in April 2016 entitled AN INTRODUCTION: Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex which spells out the way these NGOs operate:
“Shaping western public perception and opinion on major international issues is essential if major world powers are to realise their foreign policy goals. Not surprisingly, we can see that many of the public positions taken by NGOs are exactly aligned with western foreign policy. In the Balkans War of the 1990s, human rights groups supported partitioning. In the Ukraine in 2014 and with both Syria and Yemen in 2016 they supported regime change. In each instance NGOs function as a public relations extension to a United Nations western member Security Council bloc, namely the US, UK and France. This collusion is manifest throughout the upper echelons of these organizations whose streamlined agenda conforms through a lucrative revolving door which exists between a cartel of western NGOs, government and media.”
The role of NGOs and human rights organizations has been pivotal in Syria, to provide cover for the US to carry out its clear intention of regime change:
“By framing the Syrian Conflict (2011 to present) as a “civil war”, both western media and human rights organizations did their part in propping-up an important western foreign policy narrative. Inaccurate and distorted, this narrative has helped shield the US-led clandestine proxy war … [but the reality is] a US-backed guerrilla war where Washington and Ankara, along with NATO and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) allies, flooding Turkey and Syria with weapons, cash, equipment, social media teams, military trainers and foreign fighters from as a far away as Pakistan.”
NGOs are responsible for all those feel-good petitions that totally misinform Westerners about some poor country that is about to get invaded, whip up misdirected outrage and persuade people to get in line with the exact military goals the US has already planned? Have you noticed how may NGOs call for “No Fly Zones“, “Buffer Zones” or “Safe Zones“? Remember the phony Stop Kony 2012 campaign? Remember how George Soros’ Avaaz called for a No Fly Zone in Libya, to help US-NATO assassinate Gaddafi and control Libya? A lot of people are getting played like a fiddle …
But the subversion and destabilization is not just for countries outside of the U.S. – Soros funds countless anti-American and anti-establishment groups, including Indivisible, a U.S. grassroots group that has vowed to fight Trump’s administration and policies, the Woman’s March on Washington, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, among others. Oregon Governor Kate Brown is just one of the several public official to publicly turn tricks for Soros when she accepted his money before refusing to send National Guard troops to the Mexican-U.S. Border ahead of the illegal immigrant caravan that is threatening to cross the U.S. border.
With Soros group contributions somewhere in excess of $25 billion, it underscores the urgent need to curb unelected and undue influence in U.S elections and policies. In eastern Europe, where Soros was heavily invested in meddling in the Hungarian government, Prime Minister Viktor Orban introduced in February a “Stop Soros” bill to legislators in parliament with the express intention of “empower[ing] the interior minister to ban NGOs that support migration and pose a national security risk.”
Obviously, the question isn’t whether our institutions are being bought by powerful NGOs but how are we to curb the wholesale pimping of our sovereignty, such as the millions flowing into the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Media Matters and American Blue? In a recent Weekly Standard article, journalist Jeryl Bier says, “The SPLC’s already impressive endowment grew a staggering 35 percent in fiscal year 2017 to more than $432 million. Including operating funds, total assets topped $477 million.” And anyone familiar with the SPLC knows that it is decidedly against conservative and Christian ideals.
It’s time to follow Poland’s lead and pass legislation limiting the influence and power that NGOs stuffed to the gills with partisan billionaire money is having in the affairs of our nation. It is also time for more transparency of 501(c)(3) organizations who’s backers include oligarchs such as Zuckerberg, Gates and Soros.
And it is time to push for the enforcement of antitrust laws by prosecuting Google and Facebook, who are subverting conservative voices on news and social media sites with a deluge of dollars that threaten our free speech, our right to bear arms, and our right to have a government by and for the people.
Our republic has been for sale for far too long and allowing pimps like Zuckerberg, Soros, the Koch Brothers and others to undermine the will of the American voter. But we can’t just blame the wealthy. We must also pass legislation and enforce funding rules to deter governors like Kate Brown and other elected officials from being pimped for a cheap trick while cheating on their state voters. Draining the swamp will be ineffective if we don’t first tackle the fundamental issue of who is paying to play and shift the balance of power back to the American citizens. Reign well.
Pumping money into foreign countries for regime change, or manipulating foreign elections for leadership change, is an old game that the CIA and branches of the US Government have been playing for decades. The game is nothing new; it’s only the style that has changed. NGOs are the velvet glove on the iron fist, carrying out the dirty subversive work of the NWO but making it look like roses. Fortunately, many nations targeted by this rank infiltration have noticed the threat and taken appropriate measures to defend their culture, laws, stability and way of life. How much longer until people in the US and the West wake up to the NGO subversion too?
Harnessing the power of Fractal quantum technology, a fractal team (originally commissioned by Sheriff Clarke of Wisconsin to look into voter rolls in WI) delivered the FEC Contribution System – identifying every contribution, from every person or group to every Federal level candidate – for the last 50 years. The Fractal ecosystem recognized delivering free, fair, transparent elections – is a fight against a multi-headed – hydra monster. That monster includes contribution fraud groups and Dark Money NGOs operating under the cover of massive, interconnected financial networks – hidden in plain sight.
They recognized many “contributions in kind” flowed in a river – below the surface with NGOs (non-governmental orgs), 501 Cs, grants, foundations – funding lawfare, voter drives, even making illegal contributions. Working with insightful voter integrity groups in California, Wisconsin, Texas – they delivered the Fractal Dark Money Tracking System. The system, as the short demo below shows, connects NGOs, 501Cs, hundreds of thousands of other organizations who are the central nervous system of the Left.
Working with the election integrity team, they identified one of their largest “voter registration” organizations, is directly financed by a Chinese NGO. Following that success, they downloaded the information for most of the major Leftist NGOs in the state, and within minutes they were able to make hundreds of connections. The numbers of connections run into the hundreds of thousands – most delivering Leftist money to Leftist causes – in every state.
The video HERE, is of ONE organization – when you see how large its network is – just imagine what the fractal team is finding looking at hundreds of thousands of such Dark Money groups.
And watch this video on how NGO’s are used as fronts to fund the New World Order agenda:
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