Taking Back Our Stolen History
Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s)

Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s)

Any organization, usually non-profit and sometimes international organizations independent of governments and international governmental organizations (though often funded by governments) that are active in humanitarian, educational, health care, public policy, social, human rights, environmental, and other areas to effect changes according to their objectives. They are the choice tool of subversion, destabilization and domination for the US-led New World Order. It is impossible to calculate the number of NGOs. They keep springing up in response to some need. As the 2016 Soros hack has shown, the US (in particular) has embarked on a cunning strategy of infiltration in its foreign policy. On the surface, NGOs appear as benign, helpful and, at the very worst, harmless creatures which do work that promotes the betterment of humanity.

Many of them do perform philanthropic work, however others are created and controlled right from the start to be nothing more than Trojan horse instruments of infiltration and influence – influence which is highly unwanted in the target nation. These latter kind of NGOs are a manifestation of US-NWO soft power by which the US can manipulate and dominate a country without having to fire a single bullet. This subterfuge was working very well for awhile, but now in the aftermath of the 2014 Ukraine coup and other events, nations are beginning to wake up to the trickery and are passing laws restricting or forbidding NGOs on their turf.

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Chronological History of Events Involving NGO’s

The United Nations Charters is Signed

The United Nations Charters is Signed

The United Nations Charter was established on June 26, 1945 and would come into force on October 24th that same year. This had been one of the goals of the New World Order well before World War II. The communists and American one-world Insiders, operating primarily through their CFR front, "worked energetically and tirelessly to lay the foundations for the United Nations." We saw also that ...
Rockefeller Foundation Psyop Broadcast of WAR OF THE WORLDS Creates 'Accidental' Hysteria Throughout the U.S.

Rockefeller Foundation Psyop Broadcast of WAR OF THE WORLDS Creates ‘Accidental’ Hysteria Throughout the U.S.

A classic early example of a psyop was the 1938 "War of the Worlds" broadcast which created "accidental" and "unfortunate" panic and hysteria throughout the United States. Listeners tuned in to what they thought was a real invasion by Martians. It was funded indirectly by the Rockefeller Foundation through the  The Princeton Radio Project, and guided at every stage by members of the Council on Foreign ...
Rockefeller Foundation President Max Mason: "the Social Sciences will concern themselves with the rationalization of social control, ...the control of human behavior."

Rockefeller Foundation President Max Mason: “the Social Sciences will concern themselves with the rationalization of social control, …the control of human behavior.”

Rockefeller Foundation president Max Mason assured foundation trustees that in their program, "the Social Sciences will concern themselves with the rationalization of social control, ...the control of human behavior." In this same month, Birth Control Review featured an article by Nazi official Dr. Ernst Rudin on eugenics. Rudin was curator of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics, and Eugenics, which for many years was ...
Does Scientist and Cancer Researcher, Cornelius Rhoads, Admit to Murder in a Letter to a Colleague?

Does Scientist and Cancer Researcher, Cornelius Rhoads, Admit to Murder in a Letter to a Colleague?

On 10 November 1931, Cornelius Rhoads, an American pathologist and oncologist, was at a party at a Puerto Rican co-worker's house in Cidra. After having some drinks, he left, finding his car had been vandalized and several items stolen. He went to his office, where he wrote and signed a letter addressed to "Ferdie" (Fred W. Stewart, a colleague from Boston, by then working at the Memorial ...
Rockefeller Foundation Contributed $357 Million to Medical Schools Around the World in 1921

Rockefeller Foundation Contributed $357 Million to Medical Schools Around the World in 1921

According to the Rockefeller Foundation annual report, the Rockefeller Foundation Contributed $357 million to Medical Schools Around the World in 1921. This was the continued plan to spread the drug-based approach to the most prominent schools around the world while continuing to label homeopathy as outdated and its practitioners as 'quacks' ...
The Council on Foreign Relations is Established

The Council on Foreign Relations is Established

The Council on Foreign Relations Handbook of 1936 provides the following details concerning the organization's establishment:  "On May 30, 1919, several leading members of the delegations to the Paris Peace Conference met at the Hotel Majestic in Paris to discuss setting up an international group which would advise their respective governments on international affairs.  It was decided at this meeting to call the proposed organization the ...
The 1918 Flu Pandemic: Was It a Flu or Aspirin, Stronger Vaccines, & Other Big Pharma Cures that Killed Millions

The 1918 Flu Pandemic: Was It a Flu or Aspirin, Stronger Vaccines, & Other Big Pharma Cures that Killed Millions

On March 4, 1918 at the Fort Riley, Kansas military base, the first outbreaks in the US were reported. On October 1, 1918, the U.S. Surgeon General, Rupert Blue, decided the nationwide outbreak (of what was thought or proclaimed to be severe influenza) warranted a national response, so he telegraphed the American Red Cross (ARC) national headquarters in Washington, D.C. The message requested that the organization “assume charge of ...
Senator Poindexter: "The Cult of Rockefeller, Carnegie…to be guarded against in the educational system of this country!"

Senator Poindexter: “The Cult of Rockefeller, Carnegie…to be guarded against in the educational system of this country!”

During the crucial years of the school changeover from academic institution to behavioral modification instrument, the radical nature of the metamorphosis caught the attention of a few national politicians who spoke out, but could never muster enough strength for effective opposition. In the Congressional Record of January 26, 1917, for instance, Senator Chamberlain of Oregon entered these words: They are moving with military precision all along ...
Head of Atlanta’s B’nai B’rith, Jew Leo Frank, was Hung for Murdering 13 yr. old Mary Phagan. The ADL was Formed to Deflect Criticism

Head of Atlanta’s B’nai B’rith, Jew Leo Frank, was Hung for Murdering 13 yr. old Mary Phagan. The ADL was Formed to Deflect Criticism

On the 15th of August 1915, Jewish sweatshop operator Leo Max Frank was executed by hanging for the crime of murdering a 13-year-old girl employee of his, Mary Phagan (pictured). Some have called the hanging a lynching, but was it? It was not carried out by an undisciplined mob, but by a citizens’ militia, who, with military precision — and commanded by eminent men, leaders of ...
NEA Annual Mtg: "the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations... control the policies,... menace true academic freedom and defeat the primary purpose of democracy..."

NEA Annual Mtg: “the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations… control the policies,… menace true academic freedom and defeat the primary purpose of democracy…”

The philanthropic agenda of the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations was made explicit in 1914 when the National Education Association passed a resolution at its annual meeting from July 4-11 in St. Paul, Minnesota. An excerpt follows: We view with alarm the activity of the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations—agencies not in any way responsible to the people—in their efforts to control the policies of our State educational ...