Taking Back Our Stolen History
Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s)

Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s)

Any organization, usually non-profit and sometimes international organizations independent of governments and international governmental organizations (though often funded by governments) that are active in humanitarian, educational, health care, public policy, social, human rights, environmental, and other areas to effect changes according to their objectives. They are the choice tool of subversion, destabilization and domination for the US-led New World Order. It is impossible to calculate the number of NGOs. They keep springing up in response to some need. As the 2016 Soros hack has shown, the US (in particular) has embarked on a cunning strategy of infiltration in its foreign policy. On the surface, NGOs appear as benign, helpful and, at the very worst, harmless creatures which do work that promotes the betterment of humanity.

Many of them do perform philanthropic work, however others are created and controlled right from the start to be nothing more than Trojan horse instruments of infiltration and influence – influence which is highly unwanted in the target nation. These latter kind of NGOs are a manifestation of US-NWO soft power by which the US can manipulate and dominate a country without having to fire a single bullet. This subterfuge was working very well for awhile, but now in the aftermath of the 2014 Ukraine coup and other events, nations are beginning to wake up to the trickery and are passing laws restricting or forbidding NGOs on their turf.

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Chronological History of Events Involving NGO’s

The Rockefeller Foundation Establishes the International Health Commission

The Rockefeller Foundation Establishes the International Health Commission

The Rockefeller Foundation Establishes the International Health Commission (1913-1916) which laid the foundation for how health and science research and development were to be conducted. It became the International Health Board in 1916 until 1927, and was known as the International Health Division from 1927 until 1951. Many of today’s health institutions were modeled on this commission’s practices, policies, and research processes such as the UN’s World Health ...
The Rockefeller Foundation is Established by John D. Rockefeller

The Rockefeller Foundation is Established by John D. Rockefeller

The Foundation was started by Standard Oil owner John D. Rockefeller ("Senior"), along with his son John D. Rockefeller Jr. ("Junior"), and Senior's principal oil and gas business and philanthropic advisor, Frederick Taylor Gates, in New York State on May 14, 1913, when its charter was formally accepted by the New York State Legislature after three years of Congressional opposition. Its stated mission is "promoting the ...
Walsh Committee Created: Findings Later Concluded that "Colleges had Surrendered their Religious Identifications... to Comply with Foundation Requirements to Receive Grants..."

Walsh Committee Created: Findings Later Concluded that “Colleges had Surrendered their Religious Identifications… to Comply with Foundation Requirements to Receive Grants…”

The Walsh Committee was created to review industrial relations and scrutinize US labor laws. The commission studied work conditions throughout the industrial United States between 1913 and 1915. The final report of the Commission, published in eleven volumes in 1916, contain tens of thousands of pages of testimony from a wide range of witnesses, including scores of ordinary workers, and the titans of capitalism, including Daniel Guggenheim, George ...
The Flexner Report, Sponsored by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundation, is Published Establishing New Standards For Medical Education

The Flexner Report, Sponsored by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundation, is Published Establishing New Standards For Medical Education

This highly influential report, sponsored by the Rockefeller’s and Carnegie Foundation, evaluated medical schools and restructured American medical education. It set up a new standard so that schools could only be accredited if they showed an emphasis in drug based research and treatment.  Homeopathy and other alternative approaches to medicine were no longer recognized. Abraham Flexner, author of the report, was on the staff of the ...
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is Founded... as a Covert Zionist Military Intelligence Spy Front?

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is Founded… as a Covert Zionist Military Intelligence Spy Front?

With the race riots of Springfield, IL (President Lincoln's hometown) as a catalyst, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded six months later. The public generally believes that the NAACP was founded by people like W.E.B. DuBois (who would later become a leader of the Communist Party), but the truth is that the organization had a heavy Jewish influence from its inception, founded by ...
The Station for Experimental Evolution, a Eugenics Lab, Formerly Opens Funded by the Carnegie Institute of Washington

The Station for Experimental Evolution, a Eugenics Lab, Formerly Opens Funded by the Carnegie Institute of Washington

The Carnegie Institution established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans, as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples. From Cold Spring Harbor, eugenics advocates agitated in the legislatures of America, as well as the nation's social service agencies and associations. The Harriman railroad fortune paid local charities, such as ...
The General Education Board, a Rockefeller Endowed Tax-Exempt Foundation, is Approved by Congress

The General Education Board, a Rockefeller Endowed Tax-Exempt Foundation, is Approved by Congress

Before 1852 American education consisted of one-room school houses, independent teachers, and students of all ages attending of their own free will. Curriculums and funding came directly from local communities without a federalized bureaucracy ruling over every facet like today. From 1852 to 1918 things changed as the government began pushing to enforce compulsory schooling laws all across America. The first federalized education board was the ...