Taking Back Our Stolen History


Cybersecurity Expert Arjen Kamphuis, an Associate of Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange, goes Missing in Norway

Cybersecurity Expert Arjen Kamphuis, an Associate of Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange, goes Missing in Norway

The internet transparency entity WikiLeaks tweeted on September 3, 2018 about Arjen Kamphuis’ “strange disappearance,” saying he has been missing since August 20, when he left his hotel in the northern Norwegian town of Bodo. WikiLeaks said that Kamphuis, an associate of founder Julian Assange, had a ticket for a flight departing on August 22 from Trondheim, which is over 700 kilometers (435 miles) south of ...
Doctors Slam Big Pharma for Price Gouging Cancer Patients

Doctors Slam Big Pharma for Price Gouging Cancer Patients

A group of over 120 cancer doctors released a joint position paper condemning America’s pharmaceutical industry. The cancer specialists accuse the drug industry of ‘profiteering’, ‘price gouging’ and even being ‘immoral’. The group of doctors insists that Big Pharma is charging patients over $100,000 for life-saving drugs that cost only a few dollars to manufacture. Consider the following statistic from Yahoo Health the day the report was ...
Decade-Long Feeding Study Reveals Significant Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods

Decade-Long Feeding Study Reveals Significant Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods

Scientists in Norway have released results from experimental feeding studies carried out over a 10-year period, and the verdict is in: If you want to avoid obesity, then avoid eating genetically engineered (GE) corn, corn-based products, and animals that are fed a diet of GE grain. As reported by Cornucopia.org1, the project also looked at the effects on organ changes, and researchers found significant changes that ...
The Ten Island Challenge is formed at the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development. It's Not What it Purports to Be.

The Ten Island Challenge is formed at the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development. It’s Not What it Purports to Be.

The Rocky Mountain Institute formed the Ten Island Challenge in Rio de Janero at the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development from June 20-22 of 2012 with the Christ the Redeemer statue sacrilegiously lit in green atop of Corcovado mountain overlooking Rio. The purported purpose of the Ten Island Challenge was to accelerate the transition of Caribbean island economies from a heavy dependence on fossil fuels to ...
Oslo, Norway Attacks: Was it a False Flag?

Oslo, Norway Attacks: Was it a False Flag?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC4OWCKlF1Q The first of a series of bombs occurred at the executive government quarter of Norway with a car bomb made of fertilizer and fuel, killing 8 people and injuring 209. The second attack occurred less than two hours later at a summer camp on the island of Utøya in Tyrifjorden, Buskerud, when a gunman dressed in a homemade police uniform and showing false identification gained ...
Harvard Study Concludes 'The More Guns a Nation Has, the Less Criminal Activity'

Harvard Study Concludes ‘The More Guns a Nation Has, the Less Criminal Activity’

A Harvard study published by the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy  concluded, “The more guns a nation has, the less criminal activity.” The study’s conclusion is contradictory to conventional wisdom about gun violence and understandably received very little media attention. Norway, Finland, Germany, France and Denmark, which have high rates of gun ownership, have low murder rates. On the other hand, in Luxembourg, where handguns are ...
UK Passes the Water Act of 2003 Giving Immunity to Water Companies for Fluoridation & Bypassing a Former Law that gave Water Companies Discretion

UK Passes the Water Act of 2003 Giving Immunity to Water Companies for Fluoridation & Bypassing a Former Law that gave Water Companies Discretion

The UK Water Act passes which has made it impossible for water companies to undergo civil or criminal hearings as a result of adding fluoride to public water supplies (same as impossibility to sue vaccine makers). This came on the heals of an August 2003 EPA request for the National Research Council, the research arm of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to re-evaluate water fluoride ...
Wonderland Pedophile Rings Raided: The Ring was Covered Up by Elites

Wonderland Pedophile Rings Raided: The Ring was Covered Up by Elites

In September 1998, another ring was raided - what the BBC described as "a larger and more sinister paedophile network called Wonderland." The network was so named in honor of Lewis Carroll's revered children's book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. NOTE: Lewis Carroll, author of the children's book, was widely known to have a predilection for underage girls and boys, and is now something of a patron ...
UN's World Health Organization (WHO) Sends Out Tetanus Vaccine in Philippines and Mexico Laced with Birth Control Drugs

UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) Sends Out Tetanus Vaccine in Philippines and Mexico Laced with Birth Control Drugs

During the early 1990s, the World Health Organization (WHO) had been overseeing massive vaccination campaigns against tetanus in a number of countries, among them Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines. In October 1994, Human Life International (HLI) received a communication from its Mexican affiliate, the Comite' Pro Vida de Mexico, regarding that country's anti-tetanus campaign. Suspicious of the campaign protocols, the Comite' obtained several vials of the ...
The Antarctic Treaty System was Opened for Signature

The Antarctic Treaty System was Opened for Signature

The main treaty was opened for signature on December 1, 1959, and officially entered into force on June 23, 1961. The original signatories were the 12 countries active in Antarctica during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957–58. The twelve countries that had significant interests in Antarctica at the time were: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, the Soviet Union, the ...