Taking Back Our Stolen History
One World Religion

One World Religion

Interfaithism is the mechanism being used by the global elite to unite all religions of the world. The ecumenical / interfaith movement is a movement interconnected with the Vatican, the UN, and various New Age organizations. Robert Muller has led the movement. Mr. Robert Muller was an assistant secretary general to three secretary-generals at the United Nations. He worked at the UN for 38 years and was an open advocate of a one-world government. In an interview with Irvin Baxter on the Politics and Religion radio program, Muller made the following statement, “We have brought the world together as far as we can politically.” He claimed that “to bring about a true world government, the world must be brought together spiritually.”

Then he said, “What we need is a United Nations of Religions. The political leaders meet every day at the United Nations, and they talk together. This has produced a consensus of opinion so that we actually have a world community, which for the most part speaks with a common voice.” Then he added, “The religious leaders won’t even speak to one another most of the time. We need a United Nations of Religions.”

Although embracing other religions and uniting the world’s religious leaders is a worthy cause, the interfaith / ecumenical movement from the outset was that this call to unity was based on compromise rather than truth. Long-held Biblical truths that our religious forefathers had worked and died for were cast aside like so much obsolete baggage. If the call for unity had been based on truth, Christians could have come together and prayerfully sought out the truths around which they should unify. They could have said, “Let’s pray and study until we know what the Bible actually teaches.” Then we could have had a true Christian rebirth. This was never the goal, but rather a very sinister one – to destroy Judaeo Christian values and culture and manipulate them to accept a single, false religion.

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Chronological History of Events Related to the One World Religion Agenda

Samuel Zane Batten Wrote a Book Titled “The New World Order”, Published by the American Baptist Publication Society

Samuel Zane Batten Wrote a Book Titled “The New World Order”, Published by the American Baptist Publication Society

As the Interchurch World Movement was gaining momentum, Samuel Zane Batten wrote a book titled “The New World Order”, published in 1919 by the American Baptist Publication Society. In this book, Batten paints a picture of a world entering a new phase in which a “new order” is rising out of the turmoil of World War. Batten proposed that a “world federation” be created which would ...