EWG’s 2022 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce
Today the Environmental Working Group announced that strawberries, spinach and leafy greens are again the top offenders on its 2022 Dirty Dozen™ – a list of the most pesticide-contaminated fresh fruits and vegetables, based on the latest tests by the Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration. Pesticide residues were found on over 70 percent of the non-organic produce tested by the USDA and FDA, continuing a problem highlighted ...

Australia: Food Ministers Forum Rates Fresh Juice Lower Than Diet Cola
Pure Australian fruit juices—with no added sugar—will now be classified as less healthy than soft drinks after the Food Regulation Forum, comprising of State and Federal Government ministers, rejected a move to ensure fresh juice has a higher health rating than soft drinks. In a move that Citrus Australia CEO Nathan Hancock said could cost orange growers $67 million, the majority of states and territories will now give ...

Kids Twice as Likely to Eat Healthy after Watching Healthy Cooking Shows
Television programs featuring healthy foods can be a key ingredient in leading children to make healthier food choices now and into adulthood. A new study found kids who watched a child-oriented cooking show featuring healthy food were 2.7 times more likely to make a healthy food choice than those who watched a different episode of the same show featuring unhealthy food. Television programs featuring healthy foods ...

Stunning Survey Reveals Quarter Of Americans Have Never Eaten Vegetables
The most popular vegetable in America is — corn! That’s according to a survey of 2,000 Americans who were asked which vegetables they liked and disliked the most. However, it turns out the most surprising result of the study may be that a staggering number of adults haven’t eaten any vegetables their entire lives. Overall, a whopping 91.4% of respondents enjoy eating corn. Potatoes came in ...

Google Scrubs Search Results Clean of Natural Health Sites and Begins Manipulating Autocomplete Function to Steer Users from Natural Health
On June 3rd, 2019, it was discovered that Google had scrubbed their search results clean of natural health sites (such as Mercola.com), resulting in some losing as much as 99% of their traffic. Soon after, it was discovered that Google also manipulates users with their autocomplete function into thinking that natural approaches to health are fraudulent and even harmful. Google manipulates your search results in a ...

New Tests Reveal 70% of Fruits and Veggies are Contaminated with Toxic Chemicals
Despite the false propaganda of pesticide and herbicide producers who claim agricultural chemicals disappear after being sprayed on crops, a new research project from the Environmental Working Group has found that 70% of U.S. fresh produce is contaminated with pesticide chemicals. All pesticide chemicals are toxic to life. Otherwise, they wouldn’t kill the living organisms that threaten crops. There is no such thing as a “non-toxic” ...

Ben & Jerry’s Loses Legal Battle with Organic Consumers Association for Misinforming Consumers
Ice cream giant Ben & Jerry's' efforts to dismiss a lawsuit brought against it by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) has been rejected. The District of Columbia Superior Court ruled that the suit, which alleges Ben & Jerry's used "smoke and mirrors" marketing aimed at covering up the true sources of its dirty dairy, will move forward. Ben & Jerry's is the fourth top-selling ice cream ...

Study: Artificially Sweetened Drinks put people at a Greater Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes
Products with added fructose introduce excess 'nutrient poor' energy into our diet, researchers found - inflicting a harmful effect on blood sugar levels. The Canadian research team found no risk associated with food and drinks that have naturally-occurring fructose - such as whole fruits, vegetables, natural fruit juices and honey. However, sweet drinks do something different: they are made with ingredients that powercharge the fructose, sending ...

Study: Safety of Safety Evaluation of Pesticides (Dow Chemical Faked Safety Studies on Brain-Damaging Chlorpyrifos)
We’ve known for a while that Monsanto buried the truth about Roundup weedkiller by ignoring concerns by its own scientists. Now it seems Dow Chemical Co. has been using the same playbook. Dow (renamed DowDuPont after its 2017 merger with DuPont) likely knew for decades that its widely used chlorpyrifos insecticide is harmful to humans—especially children and developing fetuses. But the company hid that information from ...

Study: 100 percent of Oat Cereals Tested Positive for Residues of Glyphosate, the Active Ingredient in Roundup that Causes Terminal Cancerherbicide
A second round of tests commissioned by EWG, published on October 24, 2018, found the glyphosate in every sample of popular oat-based cereal and other oat-based food marketed to children that we tested. See the new results here. Popular oat cereals, oatmeal, granola and snack bars come with a hefty dose of the weed-killing poison in Roundup, according to independent laboratory tests commissioned by EWG. Glyphosate, ...