The documentary “This is Paris” reveals that Paris Hilton was abducted and forced to attend a school that engaged in MKULTRA-style torture. Maybe unwillingly, the documentary also shows how Paris is still under the control of powerful handlers.
If one recalls the early 2000s, you might remember douchebags wearing Ed Hardy trucker hats and everyone being obsessed with Paris Hilton. Mostly known for wearing sunglasses, and saying “That’s hot”, Paris was the original “why is she famous?” celebrity. The reality TV show The Simple Life crystalized her “spoiled dumb blond” persona as the entire series revolved around her being clueless and expressing that cluelessness with a high-pitched baby voice.
Well, according to the new documentary This Is Paris, this was all an act. Furthermore, it asserts that Paris is actually a brilliant businesswoman who created a hugely lucrative brand by fully utilizing the power of social media. The documentary repeats several times that Paris is the original influencer … which is probably true.
While This is Paris spends a lot of time documenting a glamorous life filled with fancy traveling and fancier clothing, it also reveals some darker chapters in Paris’ life. For instance: Her parents paid to have her “kidnapped” and sent to a boarding school where students were abused, drugged, and tortured on a daily basis.
What? That’s not hot. That’s not hot at all.
Why would the “heiress of the Hilton hotels empire” be willingly sent to such an awful place by her parents? The reasoning is pretty strange. In fact, the entire documentary is filmed in a strange, manipulative way. Indeed, while This is Paris contains elements found in standard documentaries such as interviews and archive footage, most of it is filmed in typical reality TV fashion (i.e. Keeping Up With the Kardashians). And, at the risk of bursting your bubble, most reality TV is scripted. Thus, one cannot help but feel that there’s some “rehearsed fakeness” going on there.
Whether willingly or not, the documentary actually reveals that Paris is still under the control of powerful industry handlers. Here’s a look at This is Paris.
The documentary starts with Paris traveling to exotic places while saying “Yaass!” to things she likes. Then, things take a darker turn. Paris says:
“Something happened to my childhood that I never talked about with anyone. I experienced it and, to this day, I’m still traumatized”.
According to the documentary, teenage Paris liked to sneak out of the house and party too much. In an attempt to correct that flaw, her parents sent her to an outdoor wilderness program for “teenage boys and girls needing a change in attitude and direction”. It didn’t go too well for her.
At the age of 17, her parents arranged for two to “kidnap” her and take her to a boarding school.
Paris was sent to Provo Canyon School in Utah, an establishment with a long history of abuse allegations. The school still exists today and its official website actually addresses the negative media attention it has been receiving.
Paris Hilton’s description of her experience at this school indicates that it uses MKULTRA-style abuse and torture:
“You’re sitting on a chair staring at the wall all day long getting yelled at or hit”.
“I felt like a lot of the people who worked there got off on torturing children and seeing them naked”.
“They would prescribe everyone all these pills. I didn’t know what they were giving me. I would just feel so tired and numb. Some people in that place were just gone. Like, the lights are on but there’s no one home”.
“Solitary confinement was like something out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. They’d make people take their clothes off and go in there, like, for 20 hours. Someone was in the other room with a straitjacket screaming. I was freezing, I was starving, I was alone and I was scared”.
As explained in the article Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control, all of the “treatments” described above are staples in MKULTRA. The abuse, the drugs, and the torture are designed to “break” the victim and to cause dissociation.
Is Provo Canyon School an actual MK programming site? Or does it use a “light” version of it to “reprogram” its troubled students? Unclear.
At one point Paris says:
“It made me not trust anyone, not even my own family”.
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