Peruvian Marxist President Pedro Castillo Stages State Coup – Dissolves Congress Hours Before Impeachment Vote
Marxist Peruvian leader Pedro Castillo staged a state coup on Wednesday and dissolved Congress hours before their impeachment vote. Castillo moved elections to nine months out and will establish an ‘Emergency Government.’ The Marxists are on a roll! BREAKING: The far-left President of Peru, Pedro Castillo, has staged a state coup. He announced he has dissolved the Congress & the judiciary & will rule by decree ...

Peruvian Court Rules Rockefellers, Gates & Soros ‘Created’ COVID Pandemic
Three of the evilest entities on the planet were charged in a Peruvian court of conspiring to create the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) for world domination. Bill Gates, George Soros, and several members of the Rockefeller family were deemed responsible for the advent and spread of the Chinese virus, which has killed tens of thousands of small businesses and forever changed the world for the worst. The Chicha ...

Indigenous Peruvian Women Victimized by USAID-Funded 1990’s Sterilization Program, Finally Sue
After more than 20 years, women who were forcibly sterilized will have their day in court as prosecutors in Peru intend to charge a former president and government officials with serious human rights abuses. Former President Alberto Fujimori of Peru (1990-2000) and other former high-ranking government officials will face a court in December for their involvement in forced sterilizations of women, which caused the death of at least ...

Ship Seized In Record $1.3 Billion Cocaine Bust Belongs To JPMorgan
A record $1.3 billion, or 18,000 kilos worth) of cocaine (15,500 kilos) was seized from a container ship at a Philadelphia port after having stopped in Colombia, Chile, Peru, Panama and the Bahamas. The vessel, the MSC Gayane, is owned by JP Morgan, and was seized by US authorities according to the Wall Street Journal. The Gayane is the world's second-largest container ship - operated by ...

Seven year Scientific Study Using State-of-the-Art Technology in Telescopes, Lasers, etc. Reveals the Earth is Flat and Convex
Inquiries concerning the shape of the Earth have been a recurring theme in human history. Based on a series of natural phenomena that contradict accepted academic teaching on the matter, Brazilian scientists at Dakila Pesquisas decided to investigate these inconsistencies. In seven years of studies, scientific experiments were conducted at different points in the world, with the involvement of government institutions and professional researchers from a ...

The Murder of Venezualan President Hugo Chávez. The CIA and DEA Cover Their Tracks
The journalist Eva Golinger (US – Venezuela) has repeatedly questioned the suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. The website aporrea.org quotes her statement: "Everything that Washington was trying to achieve during the administration of Hugo Chávez is today being realized in his absence. The cancerous illness from which Chávez suffered was unusually aggressive and suspicious, and every day turns up more evidence that it is ...

Colonel Edward Cutolo Published an Affidavit Exposing Operation Watchtower about the CIA’s Drug Trafficking
Operation Watchtower was one of many drug trafficking operations from Central America consisting of the placement and operation of low frequency radio beacons to guide low-flying pilots from Colombia to Panama. It also consisted of making available to the pilots the radio frequencies and schedules of drug interdiction aircraft so as to avoid detection. Because of the extremely low altitude these drug-laden aircraft flew, often less ...