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Peruvian Doctor claims Recent Advancements in Brain Chip Technology Could be due to “Secret, Forced, and Illicit Human Experimentation” by Big Tech & Rogue Government
Peruvian Doctor claims Recent Advancements in Brain Chip Technology Could be due to “Secret, Forced, and Illicit Human Experimentation” by Big Tech & Rogue Government

Peruvian Doctor claims Recent Advancements in Brain Chip Technology Could be due to “Secret, Forced, and Illicit Human Experimentation” by Big Tech & Rogue Government

A doctor from Peru claims that recent advancements in brain chip technology could be due to “secret, forced, and illicit human experimentation” by a consortium of transnational tech companies and governments operating outside of the law.

A 2016 paper published in the Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine warned that “secret, forced, and illicit human experimentation” could be happening in Latin America, where poverty stricken masses are routinely recruited for medical trials.

The paper, titled “The secret of neuroscience boom: Are there secret human experiments in Latin América?, was written by Dr. David Salinas Flores, MD, Professor of Medicine at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru.

Dr. Flores writes:

“…an objective analysis proposes as a possible explanation for the so-called neuroscientific boom the suspicion that transnational technological companies, in illegal association with the US government, the European Community, China and some Latin American governments, are developing, in Latin America, illegal and forced secret neuroscientific human experimentation…”

Dr. Flores concludes by warning his colleagues to “…investigate, be alert, and report possible inhuman neuroscientific experiments performed by economic powers in Third World countries.

South America has served as a test site for unregulated off shore drug trials for the pharmaceutical industry for many years. Peru has been described as a “paradise of human experimentation“, and is riddled with corruption.

A former DoD official warned in 2006 that only the most ruthless nation will win the new arms race for human enhancement.

Fred Charles Ikle, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy under President Reagan, wrote Annihilation from Within in 2006.

In the book, Ikle warned that only the most ruthless nation would win the arms race for brain chips and human augmentation because advancements in the technology could only come from “intrusive experiments on living human brains.”

Ikle writes,

“At some stage in the project’s development, a nation’s research might greatly benefit from intrusive experiments on living human brains. Liberal democracies would normally shun such experiments, but ruthless dictatorships would not.”

Facebook, Google, IBM and Elon Musk have all heavily invested in projects related to human brain research and brain-computer interfaces. These tech companies have also made major moves to communist China.

China made an announcement this year that major advancements were made in its research on brain-computer interfaces. As the Chinese government publication Xinhua reported:

“China has achieved a breakthrough in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) chip research, with its first BCI chip “Brain Talker” making its debut on Friday at the ongoing World Intelligence Congress held in northern China’s Tianjin Municipality.”

DARPA’S Brain Initiative, launched by Barack Obama in 2013, aims to, among other things, “create fully implantable, modular and reconfigurable neural-interface microsystems that communicate wirelessly with external modules…”

Given the history of secret human experiments by governments around the world, we shouldn’t be surprised at the possibility of this scenario.

Congressional testimony from 1995 showcased victims of secret radiation and mind control experiments in the United States:

Source: http://www.oldthinkernews.com/2019/10/16/are-secret-human-experiments-advancing-brain-chip-tech/