Taking Back Our Stolen History
Polish Air Force Mysterious Crash in Russia Kills Polish President, a Former President, and Many Other Staff, Officers, Clergy & Executives
Polish Air Force Mysterious Crash in Russia Kills Polish President, a Former President, and Many Other Staff, Officers, Clergy & Executives

Polish Air Force Mysterious Crash in Russia Kills Polish President, a Former President, and Many Other Staff, Officers, Clergy & Executives


Three days after the crash, Poland and Russia agreed to proceed with the investigation in accordance with the Chicago Convention that governs aircraft accident and incident investigations, but Russia did not comply with those standards. Poland submitted 222 inquires to the Russians seeking information. Of the 222 inquiries, only 34 were answered. 169 were either completely ignored or refused while 19 were only partially answered. Among the motions ignored or refused were vital information regarding airdrome conditions, video recordings, radar display readings, photo documentation from the crash scene, data from the fly-around performed soon after the crash (in which they also denied Polish participation), toxicology reports to confirm blood-alcohol levels of Commander Blasik, explosives testing results, and requests for inspection of communication and navigation aids. Russia denied Poland access to relevant factual information with respect to rescue, first aid, survival data, and autopsy examination who had fatalities to its President, First Lady, nine generals and the top leadership according to the ‘Polish Response’ to the Official Russian Report.

Much like Sandy Hook, families were denied the right to open the locked coffins before the funeral. They were also denied the right to perform their own autopsies. Permission was granted to one family to exhume the body of a victim over one year after the crash and they performed their own autopsy that was only 10% in line with the Russian autopsy report.

On September 8, 2011, Prof. Nowaczyk testified before the Polish Parliamentary Committee for the Investigation of the Smolensk Crash that satellite pictures of the accident site taken by GeoEyes Satellite show that the ground position of the planes left horizontal horizontal stabilizer was changed between April 11 and 12, 2010. It was moved about 20 meters closer to the main part of the wreckage. The Polish investigation also showed evidence of Russian altering of the CVR tape.

Early speculative reports suggested that the president or another commanding officer who outranked the pilot told the pilot to act against his wishes. Transcripts from black box, however, show that no upper commander was interfering with the pilot. There are, however, many different versions of the cockpit voice recorder tape. In the case of Smolensk crash as it stands we have 8 different versions of recordings from the cockpit voice recorder (CVR). Those versions differ in terms of content and length of the recording even up to few minutes.

The US manufacturer of the TAWS and FSM was able to provide recorded readings to the Polish government on July 29, 2011 which showed information contradictory to the Russian final report. The readings clearly showed that the TU-154M was shot down at an altitude of 15 meters from the ground.

On the basis of the Presidential Order of the Russian Federation dated the day of the crash, a State investigation Commission was appointed to investigate the cause of the crash. The Investigator-in-Charge was none other than Vladimir Putin himself. He supervised the investigation from April 10-13 with other officials closely connected with the Russian security forces, the ultimate successors to the executioners of the Katyn victims. Another on the investigative team was the deputy chief engineer of Aviacor, the company who would have been liable under warranty should any fault lie with the aircraft rather than the operator as publicized by Russia almost immediately following the crash. Another conflict of interest.

Continuing on the topic of malfeasance, the base radar at the military airport which the presidential plane was to land in was disabled after Tusk met with Putin a week before the crash, at a more important meeting which the President and other Polish politicians were suspiciously not invited to.

There is also [lightbox full=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2N2dc_woeU” title=”Evidence destruction at Smolensk crash site”]video footage[/lightbox] that shows how the members of the Russian special services who were present on the site of the tragedy during the first days after the crash handled the wreckage. The majority of the trees, that the Tupolev TU-154 is alleged to have made contact with, were cut down. Whatever vegetation remained, was then scorched to the ground… The wreckage was left unprotected from the elements for several years.

In addition, in November of 2012, the Polish prosecutors cut down the “armored” birch tree that allegedly snapped off the tip of the Tupolev’s left wing, thereby (according to the official story) causing the aircraft to flip over. The prosecutor’s office claimed that it was gathering samples for testing. According to Antoni Macierewicz, this constitutes destruction of evidence since “the key here is not the samples collected, but the place in which the Tupolev allegedly struck [the tree], the tree’s position in relation to the trajectory of the flight, as well as the angle at which shrapnel was lodged in the tree in relation to the ground.”

Thus, the penchant to eradicate Smolensk evidence is not limited to the post-Soviets. The pro-government, liberal/post-communist camp in Poland has shown that it is more than willing to destroy vital evidence to make the pesky crash “go way.” For instance, the head of the Federation of Katyn Families, Izabella Sariusz-Skąpska (the daughter of the organization’s former president and Smolensk victim, Andrzej Sariusz-Skąpski, who riled many of the federation’s members by claiming that the Katyn Massacre was not a genocide), shocked many by her statement that the Smolensk wreckage should be melted down.

It has also been revealed that on the day of the crash the Russian news agency, RIA Novosti, which is geared towards an international audience, aired a clip which, in effect, denied the official Moscow-Warsaw version. The short, English-language clip featured a simulation which showed the possibility of an explosion and mentioned nothing about the infamous “armored birch” tree. Further, interviewed Russian eyewitnesses, who are generally used to the sound of incoming aircraft, stated that the Polish Tupolev emitted loud and strange noises. They also admitted that the fog was nowhere near as dense as the official propaganda mills later claimed.

Supposedly, the bodies were taken to Moscow and eventually all accounted for, but this goes in direct contradiction to pilot voice logs that states that only four people had been on board. Likely the stated passengers had been abducted and diverted to some other location, as suggested by Gerhard Wisnewski, where they would be disposed of against their will and/or knowledge. This procedure probably occurred on 9/11 as well, due to the fact that no bodies were ever retrieved – no dental records, nothing from any of the flights. For a plane crashing from perhaps less than 10 meters above the ground, according to flight analysis by pilots and aviation experts, casualties would be quite low, hence the likelihood of finding survivors and the need for them to be “disappeared” by those who seemingly wished to displace them.

Rewards for negligence and worse

Many individuals in the current Polish government who utterly failed to ensure the delegation’s security and wellbeing on April 10, 2010 have actually been promoted or otherwise rewarded by Prime Minister Donald Tusk and his cabinet. For example, the head of Poland’s equivalent of the U.S. Secret Service, Gen. Marian Janicki, was promoted to the rank of Divisional General from Brigadier General.

One of the main individuals to “drop the ball” on Smolensk was, however, Tomasz Arabski, a close associate of Tusk. As the head of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery, Arabski was legally responsible for arranging and coordinating the necessary transportation for VIPs, including President Kaczyński. What is even more disconcerting is that Mr. Arabski – who worked hard with the post-Soviets to split the two Polish visits to Katyn – conducted a secret, two-hour conversation (without the presence of any Polish Foreign Ministry representatives or even the translator, whom he asked to leave the room) in a Moscow restaurant with one of Vladimir Putin’s trusted men on March 17, 2010 (his boss, Donald Tusk, himself spoke to Putin in secret tête-à-tête chat on the pier in Sopot, Poland, on September 1, 2009). In spite of Arabski’s failure to perform his job and his murky dealings with the Russians, he was rewarded by Donald Tusk with an ambassadorship to sunny Spain.

Cover-up by Suicide

Several key witnesses whose testimonies could prove that the flight controllers bore at least partial responsibility for the mysterious crash were found to have committed suicide.

Smolensk Commission chairman deprived of immunity

Following the discovery of TNT on the wreckage, Antoni Macierwicz was deprived of his parliamentary immunity in late November by the liberal/post-communist majority in the Polish Parliament. While the official cause for this was a libel suit lodged against Macierewicz by a post-communist lobbyist and kleptocrat, it is probable these forces wished to punish him for heading a parliamentary body that has become an increasingly worrisome thorn in their side.

The Obama administration refuses to support international investigation

In spite of the mounting evidence in favor of foul play, which Team Obama must have been aware of, the current administration chose to ignore it. A case in point was the online petition requesting U.S. support of an independent international investigation of Smolensk. Although the document gathered over 31,000 signatures well before the presidential election, the Obama administration waited until December 7, 2012, to announce its refusal. Having taken the path of least resistance, Team Obama advised the signatories of the petition to read the FSB/KGB-generated Russian MAK Report and its more nuanced Polish version, the Miller Report. The administration was apparently unwilling to allow Smolensk to jeopardize the pet project that “reset” had become, in spite of its failure. No doubt the liberals running Washington are quite relieved that the liberals governing Warsaw are not pushing them to support an independent and international investigation, and vice versa.

The Macierewicz Commission publishes its three-year-mark report

On the third anniversary of the air disaster, the Marcierewicz Commission published a 130-page Smolensk Report: The Current State of the Research [Raport smoleński: Stan badań]. The document maintained its previous “two explosions” hypothesis, and discussed the negligence of Warsaw officials and the role of Russian intelligence – which was aided and abetted by the Tusk government – in the rigged bid for repairs to the two Polish Tupolevs, which ultimately took place in December 2009 in Russia. The report is so far only available in Polish. The Macierewicz Commission submitted a request to have the Smolensk Report published and printed by the publishing house of the Polish parliament to make it available to the public for free. The request was denied, however, by the current Speaker of the Polish Parliament (and former Health Minister), Ewa Kopacz, the very same politician who lied that the crash site soil where traces of human remains had been found had been aggressively combed, and that Polish representatives were present during the botched Russian autopsies after the crash. The Commission was also unable to post the report on its website, which had been previously attacked by hackers. Thus, it had to be printed, made available for 30 Polish Złotys (approx. $10) per copy through the online bookstore of Gazeta Polska. Quite self-servingly, the Commission and its chairman were quickly accused by Kopacz of attempting to profit from the report’s publication, while Kopacz had refused to have it published. Ultimately, the Smolensk Report has become available for free on the website of the Law and Justice Party.

Russia posthumously charges the Polish pilots

On April 15, 2013 – only several days following the third anniversary of the tragedy – the post-Soviet Putinist regime slapped Poland in the face once again. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has chosen to blame the victims and announced that it is preparing to charge the fallen Polish pilots for “violating the safety of air traffic” resulting in “the death of two or more persons” (Article 263 of the Russian Penal Code). This insult aptly demonstrates that the Polish government’s reluctance to assert Warsaw’s interests in the Smolensk case, and its drive to avoid offending Russia at any price, can only engender more contempt. The Chekists do not respect weakness and submissiveness.

See the original article here

The question of motive

Poland was the only country in the EU that refused to strengthen its currency, as its Zloty being weak was a benefit to the Polish economy in exports, employment and tax revenues. The national bank governor had said he would not take loans from the IMF…they had even been so bold as to offer to loan the IMF money! But after the governor’s untimely death the IMF loans have started against his plans.

Poland is the only country that is not in recession in Europe, it’s actually grown 2.75% this year, and 1.7% last year, and growth projections are even higher for next year. Its debt is quite low compared to other countries at around 50% of its GDP. We can expect Poland to be absorbed into the Eurozone and increasing the size of its debts as its Central Bank governor was taken in the crash.

North Dakota is the only of the 50 US states to grow, and they have a state bank. As the state of North Dakota illustrates, economies can grow in spite of a general decline surrounding it, and Poland is another shining example of growth against the surrounding trends. Poland’s economy is indeed no joke.

After a licensed Novartis bird flu vaccine killed 21 homeless people in Poland in the summer of 2008, Poland refused the Swine flu vaccination, and was the only country in Europe to do so.

Poland and Italy were the only two countries in the EU to threaten to veto EU climate change plans.

Two weeks before the horrible plane crash involving the Polish Government and its finance head, the IMF visited Poland. They remarked that Poland was the only prosperous country in the EU, and also the last member signing into the European Union. They were wanting the Polish government to embrace the Euro as the sole unit of money, even though the polish Zloty has grown in value against the sinking Euro. And now a nation’s military heads and government have been deposed at one fell swoop.

Some good insight and questions that have been asked by investigative journalist Jane Burgermeister, from which I have referenced heavily from in this article, follow:

  • “How come President Kaczynski and half of Poland’s government flew to Katyn three days after the official anniversary?
  • Why did 100 figures who are vital for the day-to-day functioning of the Polish government go to a relatively insignificant ceremony, and not to the main one?
  • What reason could there be for the Polish central bank governor to fly to Katyn to attend the ceremony? Why did the 100 top Polish leaders all fly on the same plane?
  • How could security protocols that require that even a president and his deputy fly separately be so relaxed that so many key people needed to run the Polish government from day to day are allowed to fly on the same plane? And in a Russian Tupolev plane, and to the traditional arch-enemy of Poland, Russia?
  • Why were none of the journalists that accompany the president on the plane as usual?
  • Why was the plane flying so low that it “hit a tree?” Weren’t the instruments measuring altitude on board working? What was the co-pilot doing? Where was the military escort? The security service detail?”

According to Polish media, journalists were told that they had been assigned to another plane that had had technical problems and they would, therefore, need to switch to a third plane, delaying their arrival in Katyn. The delay of the journalists in arriving at the scene of the crash allowed a better manipulation of the media coverage. According to both Bild am Sonntag and the Berliner Zeitung newspapers, a hotel close to the crash site was sealed off, possibly to ensure that journalists who might have seen the crash could not send photos or reports. A man who took pictures of the crash site using his mobile phone had to erase the photos at a police check point on his way home.

  • What evidence is there that these people were on the plane to Smolensk at all apart from the passenger list issued by the authorities?

More analysis from this investigative journalist can be found here.

Not to mention that the bishop of Poland’s Protestant Church was killed in a car accident returning home from funeral ceremonies for President Lech Kaczynski. Whether this is an untimely coincidence or not is unknown, but the fact remains that a lot of people have died on route to commemorate the Polish dead. It’s definitely reminiscent of Princess Diana, to say the least.

From the Catiline conspiracies in first century BC, to the killing of Julius Caesar, from the Pazzi conspiracy, to the Babington Plot and the Throckmorton Plot, from the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, to the Dreyfus Affair, to Operation Himmler – these are all European conspiracies, not even divulging the modern-day ones. Who says conspiracies are only theory? It’s not just theory, it’s a fact of reality: corporations and individuals are being arraigned on conspiracy charges on a daily basis now, and people do hard time in prison for the crime of conspiring to commit crimes.

Cui Bono: Who Stands To Gain?

The Polish government that took over after the crash was filled with former communists and the left-wing Donald Tusk who were never elected. The Tusk government moved quickly to accept, without question, the Russian explanation of the crash – pilot error attempting a landing in bad weather. Prime Minister Tusk is an EU-friendly politician in contrast to the leaders who died in the plane crash, and appears to be talented at doublespeak – much like Obama, showing support for policies that the public supports, in contrast to what he actually stands for and represents. Before the crash, Polish politicians were becoming more nationalistic and preferred Polish self-determination over international government and corporate cooperation.

What is the message that this oddly-timed regime change has brought to the people of the free world, countries and leaders who wish to resist the globalist empire? Oppose us and die! Greece, Italy, Ireland and other states within the EU have shown their desire to stand apart from complete EU governance and the domination of the Euro, and now Poland has been made an example of. Dare oppose the IMF, the Eurozone, EU-mandated vaccinations and the global powers-that-be, and you will be dealt with most severely.

A Final Nail in the Coffin: Smolensk victims buried in wrong graves

During the fall of 2012, the bodies of several of the crash victims were exhumed by the Polish Military Prosecutor’s Office in charge of the Smolensk case. This was done—more than two years following the crash—in response to public pressure arising from serious discrepancies stemming from Russian autopsy reports, on the one hand, and Polish family members’ descriptions of their loved ones’ bodies, on the other hand.

DNA testing confirmed that the body of the “Mother of Solidarity,” Anna Walentynowicz, had been swapped with that of another Smolensk victim, Teresa Walewska-Przyjałowska, the leader of the “Golgotha of the East” Foundation, which focused on commemorating the genocide of the Polish elite by the Soviets at Katyn in 1940. Further, Ryszard Kaczorowski, Poland’s last President-in-Exile (1989-1990), who had been buried at the Temple of Divine Providence following the crash, was also exhumed. It turned out that another body was laid to rest in the coffin supposedly containing his remains. The information about mistaken placement of the bodies in the coffins was also received by members of Miller’s Commission and the Military Prosecutor Office. Nevertheless, this information was kept secret and not even conveyed to the relatives of President Kaczorowski, while the exhumation procedure was deliberately blocked.

The bodies of two Polish priests were also buried in wrongly marked coffins, but in this case the Russians actually admitted to making a mistake. In other cases, the Polish Military Prosecutor’s Office preferred to blame the families of the victims for allegedly misidentifying the remains during the rather careless post-Soviet autopsies in Moscow.

Yet, this shameful attempt to “pass the buck” and “cast blame on others” ignores the fact, according to legal experts, the prosecutor’s office should have conducted its own autopsies to verify the Russian ones. The failure to do so demonstrates the MPO chose to tow the Warsaw government’s line of appeasing Moscow at any price at the expense of its obligations towards Poland and her citizens.

As far as the Russians are concerned, the most charitable explanation for mixing up the bodies of Smolensk victims may be post-Soviet incompetence. Such an explanation may be too simple, however. The apparent “mistakes” may be a final, posthumous effort to humiliate individuals considered particularly anti-Soviet and anti-Putin. That would certainly be consistent with the Kremlin’s general handling of the Smolensk case from the very outset, which exhibits all the features of the typically Muscovite and Soviet contempt for weaker parties, the Poles in particular. Moscow, as the stronger and more assertive partner, may do as it wishes and the “uppity” Poles—who had to be thrust back into their place—must accept it.

Watch the documentaries below..



Recommended Books:

Forty public, relevant, undisputed facts from the official Russian MAK Report show that the Smolensk Air Crash on the 10th April 2010 was not caused by pilot error under Presidential pressure in trying to land in thick fog. Instead the plane was on course at 100m heading on the runway axis when 2 bombs took of its left wingtip, whereupon it slewed to the left and banked slightly to emergency touch down at the furrows, but then a thermo-baric bomb exploded murdering all on board. So the plane never cut a birch and never turned upside-down 366m (a 75 tonne plane in 6 seconds!); the plane and all on board could not have ended up in a myriad pieces (with a vanished cockpit, but pilot bodies present!) as the it was at low altitude, travelling at low speed and underwent a sliding impact on soft mud – and its left wingtip cannot have ended up on the right of the birch!

The Smolensk Air Crash decapitated Free Poland. The leading Polish patriots, notably the then Polish President Lech Kaczynski, who had tried to stand up to Russia, were cold-bloodedly group murdered by her. She has successfully avoided being blamed for this; it was a great triumph for her, one of the most important and successful covert operations of all time. This enabled her to expand which may ultimately lead to a military confrontation with the West, maybe eventually a thermonuclear one which would be World War 3, and this may result in world termination.

Therefore this book gives the lie to the MAK Report analysis that the Smolensk Air Crash was caused by pilot error occasioned by pressure from the Polish President – who according to this book’s analysis was not only murdered by Russia but then also accused by her of causing the crash! This book also shows up Russia, and specifically the now President Putin.

Moreover this book is the first ever complete coherent alternative hypo-thesis to the MAK Report, as the Polish State reports like the draft MAK report support the MAK Report in the main, albeit differing as to some minor details, whilst the other work by Free Poles is scattered and incomplete. As such the MAK Report has for the first time a real challenge.

Furthermore the book has had to develop new concepts, making it doubly important as these apply far beyond the Smolensk Air Crash. These will of course be elaborated upon elsewhere in other books for academics.

Finally if the world apart from Free Poles reads this book, Putin Russia’s greatest triumph will turn into her greatest disaster. Consequently her expansion will then hopefully be curtailed, whereupon there will be no future crisis, so maybe World War 3 will be avoided.