For their agenda to succeed, the elite must maintain a monopoly of power. Part of this is maintaining control of the political system of the countries they control. This is done by creating a front called “Democracy” with two major parties (both of which they control or manipulate) where the public are lead to believe they have a say and minor competition among lower level politicians is allowed, but at the top only those that are approved and properly vetted by elitist groups, such as the Bilderberg Group, are allowed to ascend to the top (Trump is one exception). The elite and those that serve them thus constitute a secret government behind the visible government. There are many other aspects to this including gun control; centralization of power by increasing power and authority of the executive and bureaucracy; threats, intimidation, assassination; corporate / government partnerships, and others.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek at CPAC Hungary: The Great Replacement Is No Longer A Theory, It’s Reality

Klaus Schwab says Communist China is a “Role Model for Many Countries” in Creating the “New World of Tomorrow”

APEC Summit: Emmanuel Macron and Xi Jinpeng Call for a New “World Order”

‘SMART CITIES’ Worldwide Being Converted Into ‘Open Concentration Camps,’ Says Ex-Silicon Valley Engineer Turned Whistleblower

World Food Program Warns of Global Fertilizer Crisis

OVER 100,000 Citizens Protest Globalism in Prague, Czech Republic Under the Motto “Czechia First.”

Italy Elects Conservative Giorgia Meloni as New Prime Minister

Biden Signs Executive Order Designed to Release Transhumanist Hell on America

Mattias Desmet Releases ‘The Psychology of Totalitarianism’