Washington Examiner Report: FBI worked secretly with hospitals to strip US citizens’ gun rights
The FBI coordinated secretly with hospitals and medical centers to strip U.S. citizens of their rights to own, buy, or even use firearms , according to a trove of internal documents obtained by the Washington Examiner. Behind closed doors and without congressional approval, the FBI has worked hand in hand with the Secret Service and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to strip over two dozen people of their gun rights with internal forms, ...

German Data Analyst Reveals Data from Health Insurance Shows 4 Times Increase in Sudden Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts
German data analyst Tom Lausen held a conference on Monday in the Bundestag to discuss the massive rise in people who died “suddenly and unexpectedly” after the Covid vaccine rollout. Only one mainstream journalist was present during the press conference. The National Association for Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (NASHIP) provided the data covering over 72 million insured Germans. NASHIP or “Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung (KBV),” is the coordinating body ...

Junk Study Suggests People Who Refused Their Covid Vaccine are at Higher Risk of Traffic Accidents, Pushes For Higher Insurance Rates for Unvaxxed
A new junky study claims unvaccinated people are at a higher risk of traffic accidents. According to the new study published in The American Journal of Medicine, people who have refused the Covid vaccine are likely to “neglect basic road safety guidelines.” The author of the study suggested insurance companies may use the findings to charge unvaccinated drivers higher premiums. “The findings are significant enough that primary care ...

Florida Surgeon General Releases Report: 84% Increase in Cardiac-related Death among Males 18-39 yrs old within 28 days following mRNA Vax
Florida Surgeon General released a shocking report on Friday. According to Dr. Joseph Ladapo, there was an 84% increase in the incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. That is a huge number! Dr. Ladapo recommended that young males from 18 to 39 refrain from taking the COVID Vaccine. Denmark and Sweden recently halted vaccines for healthy children. Here is the ...

Pfizer and BioNTech Team with Marvel Comics for Children’s Propaganda Comic Book for Covid Vaccine
Pfizer announced on Tuesday that it would issue a digital comic book in collaboration with Marvel to urge people to get the COVID shot and become an ‘everyday hero.’ “Pfizer and BioNTech announced our new collaboration with Marvel Comics. Together we created a custom comic book featuring the Avengers who fight to protect their community,” Pfizer said in a statement. “We hope that people around the world ...

Rasmussen Poll: 85% of Americans Oppose Explicit Child Books in Elementary School Libraries
Voters overwhelmingly oppose sexually explicit books in public school libraries, and believe schools have an obligation to inform parents what their children are being taught. A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and the Capitol Resource Institute finds that 89% of Likely U.S. voters think it is important that public schools fully inform parents about what is being taught to their children in ...

Scientists from Harvard & Johns Hopkins Found Covid-19 Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than the Virus
A new pre-print study by nine health experts from major universities showed that the COVID-19 vaccines are 98 times worse than the virus, and mandatory booster vaccination in college is “ethically unjustifiable,” as reported by Epoch Times. The study was posted on The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) in September, titled, “COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for Young Adults: A Risk-Benefit Assessment and Five Ethical Arguments against Mandates at ...

Study: Rich, Young Professionals Flee Crime-Ridden Dem-Run States of NY and CA
The results of the 2022 study, conducted by SmartAsset, found that rich young professionals are largely leaving the Democrat-run states of New York and California and moving to Republican-run Texas and Florida. New York experienced the highest net outflow of young rich professionals of any other state in 2020. This study defines “young rich professionals” as those under the age of 35 whose income is at least $100,000 ...

Natural News releases post-vaccine clot ICP-MS Analysis Results: Clots are NOT “blood” clots
(Natural News) We are now releasing ICP-MS lab test results that compare the elemental composition of human blood to the elemental composition of a clot sample taken from the body of a person who received a covid vaccination and then subsequently died. This clot was provided by embalmer Richard Hirschman, and these clots are being widely reported in the bodies of people who have “died suddenly” ...

Italy: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Metal-Like Objects’ in 94% of mRNA Vaccinated with Side Effects
A peer-reviewed study in Italy found that 94% of people who experienced side effects after receiving mRNA vaccines had abnormal blood and contained foreign matter one month after vaccination, Epoch Times reported. This new study was published in August 2022 in the open access peer-reviewed journal, International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR). Starting in March 2021, three Italian surgeons analyzed peripheral blood, using a single drop from each ...