Taking Back Our Stolen History
Rockefeller Foundation

Rockefeller Foundation

A private, purported philanthrophic foundation based at 420 Fifth Avenue, NYC established by the six-generation Rockefeller family – namely by Standard Oil owner John D. Rockefeller, Sr., his son John D. Rockefeller Jr., and Senior’s principal oil and gas business and philanthropic advisor, Frederick Taylor Gates – in NY on May 14, 1913, when its charter was formally accepted by the State Legislature. Its stated mission is “promoting the well-being of humanity throughout the world,” however its actual mission is, and has long been, the funding of deep state endeavors. Known for his bold statement that “Competition is a sin“, Rockefeller would quickly get to work under the guise of philanthropy to create monopolies such as education and medicine while also funding new world order endeavors such as the National Council of Churches (used to infuse communist ideology and work towards a world religion), the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Kinsey Institute responsible for the moral decay of society, the global warming hoax, the changing of the tuning frequency of music, and especially eugenics and sterilization methods used for population reduction.  READ MORE…

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