Taking Back Our Stolen History


An Updated International Red Cross Audit Records a Total 282,077 Deaths of All Internees in all German Concentration Camps from All Causes.

An Updated International Red Cross Audit Records a Total 282,077 Deaths of All Internees in all German Concentration Camps from All Causes.

An updated International Red Cross audit records a total 282,077 registered deaths of all internees in all German Concentration Camps from all causes. The 1946 number 271,301. The Auschwitz Red Cross death records contain the death certificates of some 69,000 individuals, of whom about 30,000 were listed as Jews who died of various causes, none of which included gassing or incineration. There is one survey of ...
The Bleiberg Massacre: Croatian Soldiers who Surrendered after WWII to the British were Given to Communist. Tens of Thousands were Starved, Beaten, & Raped.

The Bleiberg Massacre: Croatian Soldiers who Surrendered after WWII to the British were Given to Communist. Tens of Thousands were Starved, Beaten, & Raped.

Official British documents state there were 200,000 Croatian soldiers and 500,000 civilians in Bleiberg, Austria. After peacefully surrendering, they were told their destination was Italy, but the British knowingly loaded them on trains back to the Soviet and Yugoslav communists and certain death. Survivors of the initial atrocities were sent on "death marches" where tens of thousands of men, women, and children, their hands tied with ...
Bromberg Bloody Sunday: Polish Jews Massacre 5500 Germans in One Day Followed by Thousands More in the Next Few Days

Bromberg Bloody Sunday: Polish Jews Massacre 5500 Germans in One Day Followed by Thousands More in the Next Few Days

Bromberg Bloody Sunday: On one day alone - Polish Jews, under the protection of the Polish Army, attack a small German town and viciously kill 5500 Germans. Polish Jews were confident they would win against Germany (backed by French and British allies) and went on a rampage of 'Blood Lust' that was unmatched. Groups of Bolsheviks attacked from Ponz, Lotz and Warsaw approached the town and ...