The site of an 11-day siege near Naples, ID, beginning on Aug 21, 1992 at the remote mountaintop residence of Randy Weaver, a former US Army combat engineer. Weaver was associated with an anti-Semitic group and the ATF wanted him as an informant since they couldn’t infiltrate the group legally themselves, so they sold Weaver a shotgun and asked him to illegally saw it off. Even though blackmailed, he wouldn’t co-operate as an informant so the ATF (withholding the fact that they recruited him as an informant) turned the case over to the US Marshals who surrounded his house considering him a fugitive. They ended up murdering his unarmed wife (while holding a baby) and his teenage son, then lied to cover it up. Weaver would later be financially compensated by the government (or taxpayers). Continue Reading…

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