Taking Back Our Stolen History


Russia, country that stretches over a vast expanse of eastern Europe and northern Asia. Once the preeminent republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.; commonly known as the Soviet Union), Russia became an independent country after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991. By far the world’s largest country, it covers nearly twice the territory of Canada, the second largest.

The inhabitants of Russia are quite diverse. Most are ethnic Russians, but there also are more than 120 other ethnic groups present, speaking many languages and following disparate religious and cultural traditions. Most of the Russian population is concentrated in the European portion of the country, especially in the fertile region surrounding Moscow, the capital. Moscow and St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad) are the two most important cultural and financial centres in Russia and are among the most picturesque cities in the world. Russians are also populous in Asia, however; beginning in the 17th century, and particularly pronounced throughout much of the 20th century, a steady flow of ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking people moved eastward into Siberia, where cities such as Vladivostok and Irkutsk now flourish.

John Maynard Keynes: "By... Inflation, Governments can Confiscate, Secretly and Unobserved, an Important Part of the Wealth of Their Citizens."

John Maynard Keynes: “By… Inflation, Governments can Confiscate, Secretly and Unobserved, an Important Part of the Wealth of Their Citizens.”

Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some. The sight of this ...
US Packs 249 Commies on the ‘Red Ark’ (USAT Buford) and Ships them back to Russia

US Packs 249 Commies on the ‘Red Ark’ (USAT Buford) and Ships them back to Russia

Via Today in Civil Liberties History (n the 100th anniversary): The ship USAT Buford, labeled the “Red Ark,” embarked from New York City on this day, carrying 249 aliens who were deported because of their alleged anarchist or Communist beliefs. The most famous passenger was the anarchist, birth control advocate and anti-war activist Emma Goldman, who had been arrested June 15, 1917, for opposing the draft ...
The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles

The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles

It has been previously stated that the treaty of Versailles was one of the most iniquitous documents ever signed by the representatives of so called civilized nations. The injustice perpetrated upon the German people by the terms of the Peace Treaty made another world war inevitable.[1] The circumstances surrounding the signing of the Armistice on November 11, 1918 must be understood. The German High Command did ...
Soviet Firearm Confiscation

Soviet Firearm Confiscation

The Council of People's Commissars (the government) ordered the surrender of all firearms, ammunition, and sabres. As has been the case in almost every nation where firearms registration has been introduced (see April 1, 1918), registration proved a prelude to confiscation. Exempt from the confiscation order, however, were members of the Communist Party. A 1920 decree imposed a mandatory minimum penalty of six months in prison ...
Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his Family are Murdered by Bolshevik Secret Police

Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his Family are Murdered by Bolshevik Secret Police

In the early morning of 17 July 1918 at around 1am, a squad of Bolshevik secret police murdered Russia's last emperor, Tsar Nicholas II, along with his wife, Tsaritsa Alexandra, their 14-year-old son, Tsarevich Alexis, and their four daughters. They were cut down in a hail of gunfire in a half-cellar room of the house in Ekaterinburg, a city in the Ural mountain region, where they ...
Firearm Registration Introduced in Soviet Union

Firearm Registration Introduced in Soviet Union

The first Soviet gun controls were imposed during the Russian Civil War, as Czarists, Western troops, and national independence movements battled the central Red regime. In October 1918, (the government) ordered the surrender of all firearms, ammunition, and sabers… Stalin’s determination to destroy the “kulaks” led his regime to equally reinforce disarmament laws with the intent of eventually exterminating defenseless segments of the population. “Stalin apparently found little need to ...
Federal Reserve Director: "It is Not in Russia Alone That the Old Order is Passing. There is a Lot of the Old Order in America, and That is Going, too.... I’m Glad It Is So."

Federal Reserve Director: “It is Not in Russia Alone That the Old Order is Passing. There is a Lot of the Old Order in America, and That is Going, too…. I’m Glad It Is So.”

In the JANUARY 13, 1918 issue of NEW YORK WORLD William Boyce Thompson, Federal Reserve Bank director and founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations, stated that: "Russia is pointing the way to great and sweeping world changes. It is not in Russia alone that the old order is passing. There is a lot of the old order in America, and that is going, too ...
The Bolshevik Revolution: An Illuminati Takeover of Russia?

The Bolshevik Revolution: An Illuminati Takeover of Russia?

The murderous Bolshevik Revolution made communism a political reality by mostly Jewish activists. Alarming similarities to today’s political climate invite comparison. Leon Trotsky (Jewish born “Lev Bronstein”) and his 300 well-trained Jewish communists from Manhattan’s Lower East Side, boarded the Norwegian steamer “Kristianiafjord” for a journey that brought them to St. Petersburg in Russia. Their purpose was to establish a Marxist government under the leadership of ...
The Christmas Truce of 1914

The Christmas Truce of 1914

On Christmas day 1914, something happened near the beginning of the “War to End All Wars” that put a tiny little blip of hope in the historical timeline of the organized mass slaughter that is war. On December 24, 1914, the exhausted troops settled down to their meager Christmas meal with, for the lucky ones, gifts from home, special food, special liquor, special chocolate bars and the ...
Did a Nikola Tesla experiment cause the Tunguska Blast?

Did a Nikola Tesla experiment cause the Tunguska Blast?

On June 30th, 1908, a giant explosion flattened over 800sq miles of forest near the Tunguska river in Siberian Russia. The area of the blast was extremely remote, but the devastation was immense. An estimated 80 million trees were flattened and whole herds of deer wiped out. The magnitude of the blast was thousands of times greater than the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima and its impact was ...