Taking Back Our Stolen History
Sloan-Kettering Rejects Laetrile (derived from Apricot Kernels) as Effective Cancer Treatment
Sloan-Kettering Rejects Laetrile (derived from Apricot Kernels) as Effective Cancer Treatment

Sloan-Kettering Rejects Laetrile (derived from Apricot Kernels) as Effective Cancer Treatment

This is despite positive results from Sloan-Kettering’s own famous researcher, Kanematsu Suguira. In November of 1977 Dr. Ralph Moss, Assistant Director of public affairs at Sloan-Kettering, held a press-conference about the success and potential of laetrile, despite the centers desire to cover it up. Ralph Moss was fired the next day for “failing to carry out the most basic job responsibilities.”

…more to come on this article. Please add comments and links from your own research. Thanks!