Taking Back Our Stolen History

Thomas Jefferson on Farmers: “They are the Most Vigorous, the Most Independent, the Most Virtuous, and they are Tied to their Country and… it’s Liberty”

Thomas Jefferson Letter to John Jay, August 23, 1785: “Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most …

The Treaty of Paris of 1783, Negotiated Between the United States and Great Britain, Ended the Revolutionary War and Recognized American Independence

On 3 September 1783, the Peace of Paris was signed and the American War for Independence officially ended. The following excerpt from John Ferling’s Almost …

George Washington to Officers: “the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter”

George Washington to the General, Field, & other Officers Assembled at the New Building pursuant to the General Order of the 11th Instant March. Source: …

The United States of America: A Perpetual Union was Founded by 13 States with the Enactment of the Articles of Confederation

The United States in Congress Assembled (USCA), the third united American republic, was formed by 13 States with the Articles of Confederation’s enactment on March …

Kate Moore Barry, the “Heroine of the Battle of Cowpens”, Rides Through the Back Trails of South Carolina to Warn of Approaching British Troops

Catherine “Kate” Moore Barry, the “Heroine of the Battle of Cowpens,” rode through the back trails of South Carolina to warn of approaching British troops …