Taking Back Our Stolen History

Eight Doctors signed a petition to the Dept of National Health and Welfare at Ottawa, asking for Independent Research on Nurse Caisse’s Cancer Cure Discovery

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCG84hOqbOw Rene Caisse operated her cancer clinic under the supervision and observation of a number of doctors.  Based on what those doctors saw with their …

Calvin Coolidge Address Before the Daughters of the American Revolution, Washington, D.C. – “… As there were Fathers in our Republic so there were Mothers.”

Members of the Daughters of the American Revolution: Coming to address the Thirty-fifth Continental Congress of the National Society of the Daughters American Revolution reminds …

Tennessee vs. John Thomas Scopes, or the SCOPES “MONKEY TRIAL,” Took Place in Dayton, Tennessee. Should the Theory of Evolution be Taught in Schools?

This trial was an important educational milestone regarding the teaching of the theory of evolution in public schools. Scopes, who was conned into being the …

The US Supreme Court Ruled in Pierce v. Society of Sisters that States could not Compel Children to Attend Public Schools. “The Child is Not the Mere Creature of the State”

Pierce v. Society of Sisters, the U.S. Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a 1922 Oregon law that compelled children aged eight to sixteen to attend not …