Taking Back Our Stolen History

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren Delivered the Unanimous Ruling Ending the Plessy v. Ferguson “Separate But Equal” Ruling

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren delivered the unanimous ruling in the landmark civil rights case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. State-sanctioned …

John O’Donnell on the Education System: “It is Simply to Reduce as Many Individuals as Possible to the Same Safe Level, to Breed and Train a Standardized Citizenry”

John O’Donnell, “Capitol Stuff,” From an article in the Daily News, May 12, 1954: The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; …

Army Hearings Begin as Joe McCarthy Investigates the Army’s ‘Softness’ on Communism and Communist Infiltration. A Smear Campaign Ensues & ‘McCarthyism’ is Born.

Senator Joseph McCarthy begins hearings investigating the United States Army, which he charges with being “soft” on communism. In the same month and year that …

Herbert Philbrick on Mind Control: “Man, like an Animal, Conditioned to Respond to Certain Impulses, Can be Conditioned to Respond to Words, Phrases and Symbols.””

In a Freedom Forum presentation entitled “Inside U.S. Communism” by Herbert Philbrick, at Harding College, Searcy, Arkansas and distributed by the National Education Program, Mr. …