Taking Back Our Stolen History

Homosexual Activists Intimidate American Psychiatric Association into Removing Homosexuality from List of Disorders

In Destructive Trends in mental health, respected veterans of the mental health industry Rogers H.Wright and Nicholas A.Cummings sought to educate consumers, practitioners, and policy makers about …

The Club of Rome Issues a Report Entitled “Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System” Dividing the World into 10 Kingdoms.

For the most part, the Club of Rome (main office at 193 Rissener Landstr. In Hamburg, Germany) functions as a research institute on economic, political, …

The CIA-Backed Pinochet Coup in Chile (Sponsored by Pepsi Cola, ITT, & Chase Bank) Overthrowing (Killing) Democratically-Elected President Salvador Allende

The Pinochet Coup in Chile where a democratically-elected Chilean government under President Salvador Allende was overthrown in a brutal coup organized by the Chilean military …

David Rockefeller: “The Social Experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s Leadership is One of the Most Important and Successful in History.”

After a trip to China, David Rockefeller praised Mao Tse-tung who had slaughtered over 40 million people. His report, “From a China Traveler,” highlights the …