Taking Back Our Stolen History

Indonesia Invades East Timor Hours After President Ford & Henry Kissinger left Indonesia after Meeting in Jakarta with Indonesian Dictator General Suharto

Indonesia invaded East Timor, a small Christian country (predominantly Catholic) and Portugese colony north of Australia rich in oil reserves. East Timor should have won …

A New Disease Appears in Old Lyme, CT just North of Plum Island, a Secret U.S. Government Bioweapons Lab Developing Disease Infected Tics

A brand new disease appeared in Old Lyme, Connecticut, just north of Plum Island in July 1975 when two mothers desperately sought medical help regarding …

‘Inside the Company: CIA Diary’ is Published by CIA Defector, Phillip Agee, to Inform the Public About what the CIA was Secretly Doing on Behalf of the American People

Philip Agee worked as a case officer for the United States Central Intelligence Agency from 1957 to 1968. In 1975 he published a book about …

Feminist-Socialist Simone de Beauvoir, said “Women Should Not Have That Choice (to Stay Home & Raise Their Children)” calling Family and Maternal Instinct a Myth.

Feminist-socialist Simone de Beauvoir, said in her famous 1975 interview with Communist and feminist Betty Friedan in The Saturday Review: “No woman should be authorized …