Taking Back Our Stolen History

Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta Email (via Wikileaks): “We’ve all… Conspire(d) to Produce an Unaware and Compliant Citizenry”

An email was sent to Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta by former Clinton administration official Bill Ivy on March 13, 2016. The Clinton campaign email, released …

Honduran Activist Berta Caceres, who Blamed Hillary Clinton for the 2009 Coup to Overthrow Democratically-Elected President Manuel Zelaya, Killed While Asleep

Killed while sleeping in her home in La Esperanza, Honduras. Berta Caceres had named Hillary Clinton as responsible for the Honduran coup which toppled democratically …

Marty G, a Human Rights Advocate and Senior Systems Engineer, was Arrested under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act – Remains in Black Site as Political Prisoner

Martin Gottesfeld, 33, is a human rights advocate and tireless champion for children whose wrongful imprisonment has been documented by Michelle Malkin, Rolling Stone, and numerous others.  He was …