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Taking Back Our Stolen History
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln

Following the Battle of Antietam, President Lincoln Decides: ““The time for the annunciation of the emancipation policy can no longer be delayed.”

The Confederate Army was unstoppable – within weeks of winning the Civil War. General Robert E. Lee had won the Second Battle of Bull Run …

The 13th Amendment that Never Was! President Lincoln Sends a Form Letter to All State Governors to Amend the Constitution Guaranteeing States the Right to Own Slaves

The discovery of a letter from newly inaugurated President Abraham Lincoln to the governor of Florida has generated renewed interest in Lincoln’s views toward slavery. …

A NY Tribune Article Suggests that Sharps Rifle was an “effective weapon to fight pro-slavery Democrats” and Becomes known as “Beecher’s Bible”

He was one of the most popular preachers in American in the middle 1800s. He was the brother of Harriett Beecher Stowe, who wrote the …

The First Presidential Candidate to be Assassinated was a Real Thorn to the Democrats, and Founder of the Mormon Church

It was an unlikely candidacy: a thirty-eight-year-old mayor from the heartland who pitched himself as the solution to partisan gridlock, played up his military experience, …