Taking Back Our Stolen History
alternative medicine
alternative medicine

US Senator Wm. Lancer Petitions Congress to Investigate the Federal Injunction Imposed on Dr. Koch Following Success in Canada & South America in Cancer & Veterinary Treatments

Here is an excerpt from remarks read into the Congressional Record by US Senator William Lancer, on June 7, 1948. It not only reveals the …

Dr. Max Gerson Called to Testify Before Congress (The Pepper-Neely Bill) on his Miraculous Cancer Treatment which was Later Expunged from the Congressional Record

On July 1-3 1946, Dr. Max Gerson was called to testify before the United States Senate at a hearing for the Pepper- Neely Anti-cancer Bill …

Eight Doctors signed a petition to the Dept of National Health and Welfare at Ottawa, asking for Independent Research on Nurse Caisse’s Cancer Cure Discovery

Rene Caisse operated her cancer clinic under the supervision and observation of a number of doctors.  Based on what those doctors saw with their own …

In His 1st Month as Editor of the JAMA, Morris Fishbein Launches His First of Many Attacks on Natural Cancer Cures with a Scathing Article on Scientist Dinshah Ghadiali’s SCT

Dinshah Ghadiali was a gifted scientist who developed and used with great success what he called Spectro-Chrome Therapy (“SCT”).  It was simply subjecting people to …

The Flexner Report, Sponsored by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundation, is Published Establishing New Standards For Medical Education

This highly influential report, sponsored by the Rockefeller’s and Carnegie Foundation, evaluated medical schools and restructured American medical education. It set up a new standard …