Taking Back Our Stolen History
American Revolutionary War
American Revolutionary War

Thomas Jefferson: “We are Reduced to the Alternative of Choosing an Unconditional Submission to Tyranny, or Resistance by Force. The Latter is our Choice!”

The Continental Congress issued A Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North-America, Now Met in Congress at Philadelphia, Setting Forth the Causes and …

Four Days Prior to “The Shot Heard Around the World”, John Hancock calls for a Day of Fasting and Prayer in Massachusetts

Four days before the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World,” John Hancock circulates this declaration to the citizens of Massachusetts: “In circumstances dark as these, it …

John Hancock on a Militia: “They fight (Not for a Master’s ambition, but) for their Houses, their Lands, for their Wives, …for their Liberty, and for their God”

On the 4th anniversary of the Boston Massacre, 1774, John Hancock, who would be the first to sign the Declaration of Independence, stated: “Will not a …