Taking Back Our Stolen History
Dept of Homeland Security/DHS
Dept of Homeland Security/DHS

Franklin Scandal #2? Bush Fired Several U.S. Attorneys to Cover up a Pedophile Ring Being Run out of the D.C. Hotels Involving Congressmen, Senators and Reporters!

The official story from MSM/Wikipedia: On December 7, 2006, the George W. Bush administration’s Department of Justice ordered the unprecedented midterm dismissal of seven United …

Whistleblower Julia Davis Reports on 23 Improperly Processed Entries into the US of Aliens from Terrorist Countries. DHS Retaliates Harshly!

Julia Davis is a national security whistleblower, anti-terrorism/immigration expert, who exposed glaring shortcomings in the processing of applicants for admission into the U.S. from terrorist …