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Dept of Justice/DOJ
Dept of Justice/DOJ

Report: Bruce Ohr Warned FBI and DOJ Officials that Steele’s Dossier was Connected to Hillary Clinton and Cautioned them It May be Biased

According to a report by award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon, former top DOJ official, Bruce Ohr warned FBI and DOJ officials that Steele’s dossier was connected …

Senior DOJ Official Sexually Assaulted, Harassed Subordinates and Lied About It – Prosecution Declined and Perv Will Retire with Full Benefits

The swamp always protects its own. On Tuesday, the Office of Inspector General announced it found that a senior DOJ official sexually harassed, retaliated against and …

Muslim Terrorist Attempts to Murder Holder’s Fast and Furious Fall Guy in Black Site before being Saved by Another Political Prisoner

Former-U.S.-Army-soldier—turned—radical-Islamic-fighter Rodney Hamrick took 68-year-old former insurance executive Robert David Neal hostage inside of a federal facility. He bound Neal’s hands behind his back, as …