Taking Back Our Stolen History
fast & prayer
fast & prayer

George Washington Orders his Troops to Observe the Day of Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer for the ‘Giver of Victory to Prosper Our Arms’

The rag-tag and green Continental Army would need heaven’s help. In April 1776, they arrived in New York, a city with a large population of …

General William Livingston Made a Resolution of Congress that May 17th Should be Observed by All Colonies as a Day of Humiliation, Fast, and Prayer

General William Livingston made a resolution to Congress which passed without dissent: “We earnestly recommend that Friday, the 17th day of May be observed by …

Four Days Prior to “The Shot Heard Around the World”, John Hancock calls for a Day of Fasting and Prayer in Massachusetts

Four days before the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World,” John Hancock circulates this declaration to the citizens of Massachusetts: “In circumstances dark as these, it …