Taking Back Our Stolen History

Rwandan “Genocide:” Central African Rare Earth Minerals & Diamond Sources for The Clinton Foundation, George Soros & their Computer Technology Globalist Collaborators

Paul Kagame took power in Rwanda after an alleged “Rwandan Genocide.” This massacre of almost 1 million Rwandans now appears to have been a C.I.A.-fabricated …

The Leuchter Report: The First-Ever Forensic Investigation of the Alleged Extermination Gas Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek

In early 1988, American execution hardware expert Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., carried out the first-ever forensic investigation of the alleged extermination gas chambers at Auschwitz, …

“No Place to Hide: The Strategy and Tactics of Terrorism” Documentary Released by G Edward Griffin Exposing Terrorism, Bill Ayer’s WUO, and more…

This documentary removes the mystery from international terrorism. On the surface, terrorism appears to be irrational and counter-productive but, when the long-range strategy and tactics …

John Holdren, Future Science Czar Under Obama, Advocates for Forced Abortions and Mass Sterilization Through the Water Supply for Population Control

John Holdren, later appointed by Obama as Science Czar (2009), in his book “Ecoscience”, he advocates for extreme totalitarian measures (such as forced abortion and …

Indonesia Invades East Timor Hours After President Ford & Henry Kissinger left Indonesia after Meeting in Jakarta with Indonesian Dictator General Suharto

Indonesia invaded East Timor, a small Christian country (predominantly Catholic) and Portugese colony north of Australia rich in oil reserves. East Timor should have won …