Taking Back Our Stolen History

After mocking “chemtrails” for over a decade, global elites suddenly announce geoengineering plan to “dim the sun” with aerial spraying

Back in 2008, a news publication called Phoenix Times News published a story mocking people who believe in so-called “chemtrails,” calling the concept of geoengineering …

Zbigniew Brzinski’s Chatham House Speech: “Today It Is Infinitely Easier to Kill a Million People, Than to Control a Million People.”

(Zbigniew Brzinski – Audience applauses) Ladies and Gentlemen, Robin. Thank you very much for your as always elegant and eloquent introduction. I’ve heard him many …

U.S. Patent Issued to Hughes Aircraft Co. Proposing Injecting into the Upper Atmosphere, a “very fine, white talcum-like” Powder for the Stated purpose of Reducing Global Warming”

In 1991 a U.S. patent was issued to Hughes Aircraft Company; the Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding For Reduction of Global Warming Patent (#5,003,186). It proposed injecting …