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Taking Back Our Stolen History
government bullying
government bullying

Whistleblower Anders Kompass Announced his Resignation from the United Nations Citing Frustration Over ‘Impunity’ on Child Sex Abuse

United Nations whistleblower Anders Kompass (shown), a human-rights official who exposed international so-called peacekeepers raping and exploiting children in Africa on a UN “peace” mission, …

Ca, A.G. Kamala Harris Launches Raid on Pro-Life Activist David Daleiden’s Apartment and Stole Unreleased Video Footage Exposing Planned Parenthood

California Attorney General Kamala Harris faced conflict-of-interest accusations after launching a raid on pro-life activist David Daleiden’s apartment even as she campaigned for the U.S. …

Whistleblower Emma Reilly Reports to Top UN Officials that Sr. UN Official, Eric Tistounet, had been Giving the Beijing Dictatorship Names of Chinese Human Rights Activists

As early as 13 February 2013, UN human-rights officer Emma Reilly reported to the top UN human-rights official at the time that another senior UN …