Taking Back Our Stolen History

The Leuchter Report: The First-Ever Forensic Investigation of the Alleged Extermination Gas Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek

In early 1988, American execution hardware expert Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., carried out the first-ever forensic investigation of the alleged extermination gas chambers at Auschwitz, …

Count Folke Bernadotte, UN Mediator on the Zionist Palestinian Divide, said it ‘Offended Basic Principles’ and He was Against the Idea. He Was Murdered the Next Day!

The UN- appointed mediator’s, Count Folke Bernadotte, report on whether or not to divide Palestine for the displaced ‘Holocaust victims’ (U.N. Document A. 648) was …

Germany Reduces the “Shockingly High Mortality Figures” in Concentration Camps from 8.5% to 2.8% Five Months Later by Not Bringing in Persons with Tuberculosis

On 10 April 1943, Oswald Pohl, head of the Economic Administration Office of the camps issued a letter stating that persons with tuberculosis were being …

Heinrich Himmler, Chief of German Concentration Camps Orders That “The Death Rate in the Concentration Camps Must be Reduced at All Costs”

Heinrich Himmler, chief of the Concentration Camps issued orders that “The death rate in the concentration camps must be reduced at all costs” (Reitlinger, “The …