Taking Back Our Stolen History
international bankers
international bankers

Hearings on a Stabilization Amendment to the Federal Reserve Act Concluded with Warnings that a Financial Crash had Been Planned in 1927 by the International Bankers

The House of Representatives Committee on Banking and Currency conducted meetings in 1928 from March 19-21; April 30; and most of May (1-3, 4, 8, …

NYC Mayor, John Haylan: “The Real Menace of our Republic is the Invisible Government, Which Like a Giant Octopus Sprawls its Slimy Legs Over Our Cities, States and Nation”

John Hylan’s most famous statement against “the interests” was the following speech, made in 1922, while he was the sitting Mayor of New York City …

“The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the Work of Jewish Planning and Jewish Dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to Have a New World Order.”

An excerpt from ‘The American Hebrew Magazine’ dated 10 September 1920: “The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of …

Federal Reserve Chairman: “The Federal Reserve Bank is an institution owned by the stockholding member banks. The Government has not a dollar’s worth of stock in it.”

In August 1914, William P.G. Harding began his service to the Federal Reserve System with his appointment as a member of the newly created Federal …