Taking Back Our Stolen History
JP Morgan Chase Bank
JP Morgan Chase Bank

Lundberg Publishes an Expose of ‘America’s 60 Families’. “This Defacto Government is… Invisible, Shadowy. It is the Government of Money in a Dollar Democracy.”

Dynasties listed below were included in America’s 60 Families, Ferdinand Lundberg’s 1937 expose on the super-rich. Ferdinand Lundberg used tax records to uncover the often …

The Hague Agreement of 1930: The Formation of the Bank of International Settlements by the Central Banks Under the Auspices of German Reparation Payments for WWI

The formation of the BIS was agreed upon by its constituent central banks in the so-called Hague Agreement on January 20, 1930, and was in …

A Group of International Bankers Leave NJ Railroad Station for Jekyll Island to Plan the Takeover of the American Banking System with the Federal Reserve Act

On the night of November 22, 1910, a group of newspaper reporters stood disconsolately in the railway station at Hoboken, New Jersey. They had just …