Taking Back Our Stolen History
Justice John Roberts Jr.
Justice John Roberts Jr.

Goldman Sachs Fined $6 billion to Settle Faulty Mortgage Claims from the 2008 Financial Crisis. No Worries! They got $13 Billion in Taxpayer Bailout Funds

The New York Times reported “Goldman is trying to enter 2016 with a clean slate and put much of its outstanding regulatory issues behind it.” …

Dennis Montgomery, designer of “THE HAMMER (HAMR)” Surveillance Platform, Notifies the FBI that Obama, Clapper, and Brennan were Collecting Domestic Surveillance Data for “Blackmail” and “Leverage.”

Inventor and software designer Dennis Montgomery, a CIA/DOD/DHS/NSA/FBI  contractor-turned-whistleblower, alerted FBI Director James Comey’s office in 2015 that President Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan and …