Taking Back Our Stolen History
New World Order/NWO
New World Order/NWO

Rev. Jedediah Morse Warns his Congregation about the Illuminati that has already shaken the Ecclesiastical Establishments of Europe to their Foundations

Rev. Jedediah Morse, pastor of the Congregational Church in Charleston, South Carolina preached a sermon at the New North Church in Boston about the Illuminati: …

David Pappin, President of Harvard, Issued a Warning to the Graduating Class Concerning the Illuminati’s Influence on American Politics and Religion

On July 19, 1789, David Pappin, President of Harvard University, issued a warning to the graduating class, concerning the Illuminati’s influence on American politics and …

The French Revolution Begins with the Storming of the Bastille: An Illuminati Fomented Revolt to Destroy Morality, Christianity and Liberty in France

The popular image of Bastille Day, indeed of the French Revolution itself, is that the liberty-loving French folk in Paris spontaneously rose up against a …