Taking Back Our Stolen History

Red Symphony – The Interrogation of Rothschild Agent Christian Rakovsky Reveals Rothschild-Illuminati Conspiracy to Establish a World Dictatorship of the Super Rich

Red Symphony -Interrogation of Christian Rakovsky, a Rothschild agent who was fighting for his life. His death sentence had already been pronounced. He basically said …

Nationally Recognized School Superintendent William Wirt Testifies to Congress About Plans for a Soviet-style Revolution he Overheard at a Dinner Party

William Wirt, a school superintendent from Gary, Ind., told a House committee about a dinner party he attended the year before where he heard frank …

“The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the Work of Jewish Planning and Jewish Dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to Have a New World Order.”

An excerpt from ‘The American Hebrew Magazine’ dated 10 September 1920: “The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of …

First Major Revolt in the Austrian Revolution for Independence: University Students Demand a Constitution Guaranteeing their Rights

Emperor Ferdinand and his chief advisor Metternich directed troops to crush the demonstration. Peaceful student demonstrators were shot and killed causing the working class to join …

The French Revolution Begins with the Storming of the Bastille: An Illuminati Fomented Revolt to Destroy Morality, Christianity and Liberty in France

The popular image of Bastille Day, indeed of the French Revolution itself, is that the liberty-loving French folk in Paris spontaneously rose up against a …