Taking Back Our Stolen History
Rothschild family
Rothschild family

Rothschild backed Zionist Leader Theodore Herzl Organizes the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland Predicting a Zionist State within 50 Years

Theodor Herzl, of Austria, was the founder of Political Zionism. It was established at a secret convention of Zionist leaders August 29th to 31st, 1897, …

Dreyfus Affair (PsyOp): French Officer Alfred Dreyfus is Convicted of Treason by a Military Court-martial and Sentenced to Life in Prison

The Dreyfus Affair (1894-1906) traumatized and transformed France. Edmund de Rothschild arranged for an innocent Jew, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, to be charged with spying. This …

Cecil Rhodes and William Thomas Stead Organized the ‘Circle of Initiates’ that Would Evolve to the Round Table Groups (CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, RIIA, etc.)

According to Carroll Quigley in his book “Tragedy and Hope” (1966), “John Ruskin spoke to the Oxford undergraduates [1871] as members of the privileged, ruling …