Taking Back Our Stolen History

Open Mind Conference 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark: Speakers were Ole Dammegard, Mette Mitchell, Hugh Newman, James Corbett, Corine Hutsebaut, and Max Igan

The Open Mind Conference is an alternative conference that hosts internationally-acclaimed speakers from all around the world. The topics that have been discussed over the …

Gatekeeper of DC Society, Sally Quinn, and Widow of Former Executive Editor of the Washington Post, Ben Bradlee, Comes out as Occultist, Used Hex to Kill People

You and I, meaning Normal People, we look at our Thought Leaders, our Media and Cultural Overlords, our Ruling Class, and oftentimes wonder how they …

Ronald Bernard, a Former Elite Dutch Banker who Facilitated Money Laundering & Tax Avoidance for Elites, Secret Service, Governments, & Terrorist Groups, Becomes a Whistleblower

The Alternative Media have long asserted that an international cabal of satanists controls our world. Now, a credible whistleblower has come forth, testifying to the …