Taking Back Our Stolen History

Clinical Features in Patients with Long-Term Exposure to Vaccines with Aluminum Adjuvants Include Chronic Fatigue and Cognitive Deficits

Abstract Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) is an emerging condition characterized by specific muscle lesions assessing abnormal long-term persistence of aluminum hydroxide within macrophages at the site …

The ‘Economic Times India’ Published a Report about Young Tribal Girls who were Given the Gardasil Vaccine Spiked with Sterilization Chemicals Funded by BMGF

Narayana Kumar of The Economic Times of India wrote a scathing report of fraud and scandals surrounding the Gates vaccine empire: Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill …

A ‘Study’ Performed by a Student Working on his Master’s Degree in Medicine ‘Morphed’ into an Apparent Evidence Piece that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism”

A ‘study’ performed by a student working on his Master’s degree in Medicine in 2014, Luke E. Taylor, “a ‘Pediatric Registrar’ at the Children’s Hospital …