Taking Back Our Stolen History

Heinrich Himmler, Chief of German Concentration Camps Orders That “The Death Rate in the Concentration Camps Must be Reduced at All Costs”

Heinrich Himmler, chief of the Concentration Camps issued orders that “The death rate in the concentration camps must be reduced at all costs” (Reitlinger, “The …

“Manhattan Project” to build Atomic Bomb was Approved by President Roosevelt. What did the Manhattan Project have to do with Water Fluoridation?

The atomic bomb was developed at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico.  The top secret project was called the Manhattan Project, because its secret …

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto Sent a Radio Message (Intercepted by Station H in Hawaii) to Admiral Chuichi Nagumo about Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor

On November 24th, 1941, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto sent a radio message to Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, Commander of the Pacific Striking Fleet, which read in part, …