‘Place the Material in the Wells’: Docs Point to Israeli Army’s 1948 Biological Warfare
On April 1, 1948, 600 years after the jews were accused of poisoning the wells of Christians throughout Europe in 1348 that caused 50 to …
On April 1, 1948, 600 years after the jews were accused of poisoning the wells of Christians throughout Europe in 1348 that caused 50 to …
The United Nations Charter was established on June 26, 1945 and would come into force on October 24th that same year. This had been one …
Britain’s government pledged to Lord Walter Rothschild and the Zionist Federation to establish a “national home” for the Jews in Palestine. This was a big …
Prior to the Scofield Bible, the Rockefellers were instrumental in orchestrating the Modernist movement, assaulting every fundamental doctrine of Christianity, for the long-range ecumenical purpose …
The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion, a document detailing the 1800’s minutes of meetings where Jewish leaders discussed their goal …
Theodor Herzl, of Austria, was the founder of Political Zionism. It was established at a secret convention of Zionist leaders August 29th to 31st, 1897, …