Taking Back Our Stolen History


Tanzania, East African country situated just south of the Equator. Tanzania was formed as a sovereign state in 1964 through the union of the theretofore separate states of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. Mainland Tanganyika covers more than 99 percent of the combined territories’ total area. Mafia Island is administered from the mainland, while Zanzibar and Pemba islands have a separate government administration. Dodoma, since 1974 the designated official capital of Tanzania, is centrally located on the mainland. Dar es Salaam, however, remains the seat of most government administration, as well as being the largest city and port in the country. (Britannica)

Corruption is pervasive throughout Tanzanian society and is a serious problem across all sectors of the economy. The most affected sectors are government procurement, land administration, taxation, and customs. Petty corruption in dealings with traffic, customs, and immigration officers deters investment. Corruption is criminalized under the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Act (PCCA), which covers attempted corruption, extortion, passive and active bribery, money laundering and bribery of a foreign official. A range of legislation cover other corruption offenses, but anti-corruption laws are applied inconsistently and are poorly enforced. Gift-giving and the use of facilitation payments for the purpose of inducing corrupt behavior are illegal under the PCCA. However, companies should note these practices can be commonly encountered when doing business in Tanzania.1

Gulf of Oman Oil Tanker Drone Attack Incident

Gulf of Oman Oil Tanker Drone Attack Incident

29 July 2021, the oil tanker MV Mercer Street, travelling from Tanzania to the United Arab Emirates with no cargo onboard, was "drone attacked" off the coast of Oman. The ship is flagged in Liberia. It is Japanese-owned and managed by Israeli-owned Zodiac Maritime, an international ship management company headquartered in London and led by billionaire shipping magnate Eyal Ofer, who is an Israeli citizen. The ship sustained damage to its bridge. Yair Lapid and Dominic Raab blamed Iran. The Romanian captain, and a ...
ActionAid Releases Research showing US Policies Leading to Massive Land Grab

ActionAid Releases Research showing US Policies Leading to Massive Land Grab

By Carey L. Biron ActionAid releases research of U.S. investors and government policies leading to massive global land-grabs, driving big commercial agriculture and investment around the world, often at the expense of the world’s small-scale farmers – who feed 80 percent of the developing world. The U.S. public and private sectors are among the leading drivers of a global drive to snap up usable – and often ...
The Ten Island Challenge is formed at the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development. It's Not What it Purports to Be.

The Ten Island Challenge is formed at the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development. It’s Not What it Purports to Be.

The Rocky Mountain Institute formed the Ten Island Challenge in Rio de Janero at the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development from June 20-22 of 2012 with the Christ the Redeemer statue sacrilegiously lit in green atop of Corcovado mountain overlooking Rio. The purported purpose of the Ten Island Challenge was to accelerate the transition of Caribbean island economies from a heavy dependence on fossil fuels to ...