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Taking Back Our Stolen History
Technology & Health (Wifi, Smart Technology, Mobile Phones, etc.)

Technology & Health (Wifi, Smart Technology, Mobile Phones, etc.)

Wifi, Microwaves and the Consequences to our Health – Barrie Trower

Mr. Barrie Trower, a British physicist who was a microwave weapons expert and who worked for the Royal Navy and the British Secret Service, talks about the health effects of WiFi and other forms of microwave radiation.

It might be invisible to the naked eye, but electric and magnetic fields (EMFs), including electromagnetic radiation, are everywhere these days, and chances are it’s taking a major toll on your health. High-tech devices including your mobile phone, laptop, tablet, and wearable tech like the Apple Watch® all generate a near-continuous source of unseen pollution that can be stressful and toxic to your cells. If your goal is to be as healthy as possible, it’s important to address the issues that cell phone radiation and other technology create.

In this article I will provide you with creative solutions for minimizing EMF radiation from cell phones and other on-the-go technology. The goal of this article is not to scare you, but rather to increase your awareness and provide you with solutions to mitigate your risk and protect your health as much as possible.

What Are EMFs?

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) classifies EMFs as “invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting.”

Except for the part about “often referred to” because EMFs are, in fact, radiation, this is a pretty good definition. Where NIEHS fails though is in its estimation of the dangers associated with so-called “non-ionizing,” or low-level radiation, which is the primary type of radiation we’re discussing here.

Chronological History of Technology Health Effects

Study: LED Industry Expert Shines New Light On 5G Safety Mystery

Study: LED Industry Expert Shines New Light On 5G Safety Mystery

5G is being rapidly rolled out globally, despite grave concerns among independent scientists over safety. Very little published evidence exists on the actual health risks. But one pioneering scientist, noted in Who’s Who as a top industry expert, offers an innovative new paper destined to be a benchmark in the quantification and identification of actual radiative properties from antennae. Principia Scientific International (PSI) proudly presents this key study, ...
Study: Possible health effects on the human brain: a review-based estimation of 5G impact

Study: Possible health effects on the human brain: a review-based estimation of 5G impact

The deployment of new 5G NR technology has significantly raised public concerns in possible negative effects on human health by radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMF). The current review is aimed to clarify the differences between possible health effects caused by the various generations of telecommunication technology, especially discussing and projecting possible health effects by 5G. The review of experimental studies on the human brain over the ...
Legal Case Filed Against 5G for Breaches in Human Rights and National Health Service Acts, Public Sector Equality Duty, etc. (UK)

Legal Case Filed Against 5G for Breaches in Human Rights and National Health Service Acts, Public Sector Equality Duty, etc. (UK)

Opposition to 5G is worldwide due to economic, environmental, health, and safety risks.  Cities AND entire countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit 5G installation AS WELL AS issue moratoriums. Since 2017, doctors and scientists have asked for 5G moratoriums on Earth and in space (see , ).  Since 2018 there have been reports of people and animals experiencing symptoms and illnesses after 5G was installed (see , , , 4).  ...
Report Finds Microwave Energy Likely Made US Diplomats Ill

Report Finds Microwave Energy Likely Made US Diplomats Ill

(AP) A new report by a National Academy of Sciences committee has found that “directed” microwave radiation is the likely cause of illnesses among American diplomats in Cuba and China. The study commissioned by the State Department and released Saturday is the latest attempt to find a cause for the mysterious illnesses that started to emerge in late 2016 among U.S. personnel in Havana. The study found that ...
Landmark Study Highlights Health Threats of 5G on People + Planet

Landmark Study Highlights Health Threats of 5G on People + Planet

The first Commission formed in the United States to study the environmental and health effects of 5G technology released their comprehensive final report November 1, 2020. The Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology was born in the “Live Free or Die” state of New Hampshire, and included 15 recommendations addressing the need for public education about wireless hazards, RF health studies, RF measurements, cell antenna ...
Common Source of Wireless “WiFi” Radiation Affects Human Cells – Especially Kids – Korean Gov’t Study

Common Source of Wireless “WiFi” Radiation Affects Human Cells – Especially Kids – Korean Gov’t Study

There is actually quite a bit of research that has already determined that exposure to various sources of Electromagnetic Radiation (aka “Electrosmog”) is harmful to human health.  “Electrosmog” includes common sources of wireless like WiFi, 5G, Bluetooth, and cell phone radiation.   The Korean Government funded a study which also suggests that exposure to a commonly used wireless frequency can impact us – especially children. From Environmental Health Trust: Continuous Exposure to 1.7 GHz LTE ...
Switzerland Halts 5G Rollout Due to Health Concerns, Widespread Public Opposition

Switzerland Halts 5G Rollout Due to Health Concerns, Widespread Public Opposition

"Switzerland, one of the world's leaders in the rollout of 5G mobile technology, has placed an indefinite moratorium on the use of its new network because of health concerns," The Financial Times reports. Switzerland is relatively advanced in Europe in adopting 5G. The wealthy alpine country has built more than 2,000 antennas to upgrade its network in the last year alone, and its telecoms providers have been ...
Doctors Find Differences in Brains of U.S. Diplomats who Alleged Mystery Attacks in Cuba

Doctors Find Differences in Brains of U.S. Diplomats who Alleged Mystery Attacks in Cuba

A group of U.S. government workers potentially exposed to unexplained phenomena in Cuba have less white matter in their brains and less connectivity in the areas that control vision and hearing than similar healthy people, doctors have found. The findings from University of Pennsylvania researchers are the most specific to date about the neurological condition of the U.S. diplomats, spies and their families who reported strange ...
Study: Brain Waves Suggest People can Sense Earth’s Magnetic Field

Study: Brain Waves Suggest People can Sense Earth’s Magnetic Field

A new analysis of people’s brain waves when surrounded by different magnetic fields suggests that people have a “sixth sense” for magnetism. Birds, fish and some other creatures can sense Earth’s magnetic field and use it for navigation (SN: 6/14/14, p. 10). Scientists have long wondered whether humans, too, boast this kind of magnetoreception. Now, by exposing people to an Earth-strength magnetic field pointed in different ...
Parents Keep Kids Home and Demand Sprint Remove Cell Tower from School Property After 4 Kids and 3 Teachers Get Cancer

Parents Keep Kids Home and Demand Sprint Remove Cell Tower from School Property After 4 Kids and 3 Teachers Get Cancer

Since 2017 parents have been asking that this cell tower be removed from school property. Now, in 2019, four children and 3 teachers in 3 years have developed cancer.  An independent building biologist has also determined that radiation levels are dangerously high. From Inside Towers: The Ripon Unified School District (RUSD) is working with Sprint to move a tower near Weston Elementary after four students and ...