Taking Back Our Stolen History
Texas Senator LBJ Introduced his 501(c)(3) Amendment to Muzzle Churches in Exchange for Tax Write-Offs
Texas Senator LBJ Introduced his 501(c)(3) Amendment to Muzzle Churches in Exchange for Tax Write-Offs

Texas Senator LBJ Introduced his 501(c)(3) Amendment to Muzzle Churches in Exchange for Tax Write-Offs

Johnson’s political muzzling silenced the primary moral and religious voices that Founder John Adams said were essential to the life of the Republic.

In 1954, then freshman U.S. senator Lyndon B. Johnson was running for re-election in a hotly-contested Democratic primary against fellow-Democrat State Representative Dudley T. Dougherty.

In the heat of that 1954 Texas primary campaign, Johnson introduced his now infamous “Johnson Amendment” in the U.S. Senate. His revisions further restricted the free speech of churches and religious organizations in elections if they wished to maintain their tax-exempt status.

Senator Eugene D. Millikin (Co), chairman. (Jun. 22 – Jul. 7 1954). Senate Proceedings and Debates, Johnson 501(c)(3) Amendment, p. 9604 (Jul. 02, 1954), 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, Vol. 100-Pt. 7, pgs. 8557-9984, GPO-CRECB-1954-pt7-9. GPO.

During his 1954 campaign, two non-profits were being effective  against Johnson: Facts Forum, funded by H.L. Hunt. Facts Forum was supporting a hard anti-communist line, especially in the wake of the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) Congressional expose of unmistakable U.N. and State Department communist infiltration.

The other non-profit was the Committee for Constitutional Government (CCG), an opponent of Roosevelt’s New Deal legislation that was so favorable to the British Pilgrims Society globalist political agenda. Against Johnson’s re-election, CCG had distributed 82 million pieces of literature, made over 100,000 radio transcriptions, sent 350,000 telegrams, and issued thousands of news releases.  CCG was adamantly opposed to Johnson’s election and vociferously supported Dougherty—and Johnson suspected Facts Forum was clandestinely backing CCG.

However, other tactics were of a different character which reflected a more aggressive campaigning style and indicated that Johnson was willing to pursue a number of different tactics to rout his opponent.

It is apparent from both inter- and intra-office correspondence that both these organizations figured prominently in Johnson’s decision to enact the prohibition.

See Patrick L. O’Daniel. (Jul. 01, 2001). More Honored in the Breach: A Historical Perspective of the Permeable IRS Prohibition on Campaigning by Churches, Vol. 42, July 2001, No. 4. Boston College Law Review.

Notably, NBC TV (then run by long-time British Pilgrims Society RCA/NBC David Sarnoff sycophant) kicked off the air Johnson’s Democratic Senate opponent, Dudley Dougherty, who was being interviewed favorably along with long-time Johnson political opponent, Coke Robert Stevenson., Stevenson was then Texas governor who Johnson narrowly beat in the 1938 Senate elections by 87 votes. Stevenson remained Texas governor until 1947.

Johnson had threatened to sue NBC over that interview. The Hearst Corporation had ordered the NBC censorship in response to the Johnson threat. Randolph Hearst was a member of the British Pilgrims Society and had been mentored by Pilgrims Society co-founder W.T. Stead, Cecil Rhodes’ biographer and necromancer.

On the surface, Johnson introduced his 501(c)(3) amendment because he was fearing polls that showed a strong Roman Catholic opposition (Germans, Hispanics, Polish and Czech) to him as a Protestant.

However, hindsight shows that the Pilgrims Society United Nations proponents were worried about the growing anti-communist political movements in the country.

Christian churches were strongly aligning and outwardly vocal about the anti-Christian actions of communists worldwide.

The Johnson Amendment effectively silenced the moral voices of the Christian Church against the immorality of communism.

Mainstream history propaganda describes Johnson’s opponents as rabid anti-communist McCarthy-ites. However, before McCarthy was the McCarran Committee that issued a scathing and thorough expose of the formation of the U.N. by the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) and its stanchly communist principals.

Johnson’s amendment was added to the legislation without debate.

This effective silencing of the Christian perspective in civil discourse has been devastating to America. It violates Founder John Adam’s admonition that:

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Lyndon Johnson, a Pilgrim Society member, became the unelected 36th president after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. That assassination was perpetrated by the British Pilgrims, no question. During Johnson’s unelected presidency, he escalated the War in Vietnam and massively expanded the welfare state in America.

In short Johnson was a stooge of the British Pilgrims Society and its new world order plans.

Senator Eugene D. Millikin (Co), chairman. (Jun. 22 – Jul. 7 1954). Senate Proceedings and Debates, Johnson 501(c)(3) Amendment, p. 9604 (Jul. 02, 1954), 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, Vol. 100-Pt. 7, pgs. 8557-9984, GPO-CRECB-1954-pt7-9. GPO.


On July 2, 1954, Senator Lyndon Johnson was recognized from the Senate floor and the following colloquy occurred:

Mr. JOHNSON of Texas: Mr. President, I have an amendment at the desk, which I should like to have stated.

The PRESIDING OFFICER: The Secretary will state the amendment.

The CHIEF CLERK: On page 117 of the House bill, in section 501(c)(3), it is proposed to strike out “individuals, and” and insert “individual,” and strike out “influence legislation.” And insert “influence legislation, and which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.”

Mr. JOHNSON of Texas: Mr. President, this amendment seeks to extend the provisions of section 501 of the House bill, denying tax-exempt status to not only those people who influence legislation but also to those who intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for any public office. I have discussed the matter with the chairman of the committee, the minority ranking member of the committee, and several other members of the committee, and I understand that the amendment is acceptable to them. I hope the chairman will take it to conference, and that it will be included in the final bill which Congress passes.

. . .  The amendment was agreed to [Without debate].



26 U.S. Code § 501 – Exemption from tax on corporations, certain trusts, etc.

Source: Aim4Truth

SOLUTION: Research Private Ministerial Associations, a type of Private Membership Association for churches that operates outside of the jurisdiction of the federal or state government and allows the church to operate very freely, and convert your 501(c)(3) to a PMA.